IFS 105 Computer Assignment 3

IFS 105 Computer Assignment 3

Homework 3 

Golfer Picture needed for Assignment 3 Letterhead

In the Lab 1&2 WD 199 & WD 200

(1) Using Word's Resume Wizard to Create a Resume & (2) Creating a Cover Letter with a Table

Learn It Online

Chapter  3 

Soccer Ball Picture needed for Class Demo Letterhead

(see page WD 199 (FIGURE 3-89) and WD 200 (FIGURE 3-90) for model)

Class Demo Files

Hints and Corrections:

  1. In step 1  at the top of page WD 199 on the In the Lab 1 assignment (Create a Resume), use the Professional style as the book says, this is the 2nd dialog box of the Resume Wizard, but be sure to use the Entry-Level type in the 3rd dialog box of the Wizard to get the correct categories for the Resume. Also step 1 says to put your name and address into the 4th dialog box (Address) of the Wizard, only put your name not your address, leave the rest of the data as shown as FIGURE 3-89 on page WD 199 in the book. I do not want to see any personal information such as address, phone numbers, or email addresses for security reasons. Before clicking the Finish button on the last dialog box of the  Resume Wizard, click the Back button and re-check the categories and order before clicking the Finish button.
  2. Be sure to click the Show/Hide button on the Standard toolbar so as to see all the non-printing characters on the page after coming out of the Resume Wizard, this will help you with the formatting. Leave this feature on for the Cover Letter also, it will help with the Collecting and Pasting with the Office Clipboard.
  3. In step 1  at the bottom of page WD 199 on the In the Lab 2 assignment (Create a Cover Letter), use page WD 160 in the book as a guideline when creating the Letterhead. To find the graphic in the Clip Gallery enter for the search word, medicine; if medicine graphic is not installed in Clip Gallery save it from this web page onto a floppy disk or flash drive.  Right-click on the medicine graphic on this web page, click Save Image (Picture) As... on the short-cut menu, Select 31/2 Floppy (A:) or the drive letter for your flash drive, from the Save In: selection drop-down box on the Save As... (Save Picture) dialog box, Click Save Button Icon, go to your Word document and position your cursor under the title line, click the Insert menu, point to Picture, click From File...,  Select 3 1/2 Floppy (A:) or the drive letter for your flash drive, from the Look In: selection drop-down box on the Insert Picture dialog box, double-click on the file i105assn3h.gif to insert it. Be sure to see page WD 164 of book to set up a right-align tab at the right margin (6" mark on horizontal ruler) before collecting and pasting the items from the Resume to the Cover letter. Remember not to drag through the paragraph marks when collecting the items from the Resume onto the Office Clipboard.
  4. Resize the Clip Art using the following steps. Right-click on the graphic, click Format Picture... on the short-cut menu, click the Size tab at the top of the dialog box, make sure the check mark in the Lock aspect ratio check box is checked, change the height size to 40% by clicking the down-arrow under the Scale divider in the middle of the dialog box, the width size will change to 40% also.
  5. In step 6  on page WD 200, instead of writing down the edited time from the view document summary type it into the right side of the header used on the Cover Letter mentioned in step 8 below. To get the edited time use the following steps: Click File menu, click Properties, click the Statistics tab, write down the time the document was modified on a piece of paper, then type this time into the Cover Letter page header right-aligned at the right margin.
  6. In step 7  on page WD 200, print an envelope address on a regular sheet of paper. Use your name and the class address (IFS 105-003) as the return address for the envelope. (Use the following section numbers:  10:00 am class - 003, Monday night class - CN1).
  7. Lab users might be required to open the front of the printer and insert a piece of paper into the envelope slot and then push the green GO button on the top of the printer.  Skip the printing of the mailing label. 
  8. On the Resume and Cover Letter change all occurrences of Heather Jayne Faddis to your First name, Middle name, Last name.   On the Cover Letter use the Header and Footer option on the View menu to center the days and time your class meets. (example: Monday-Wednesday-Friday 10:00-10:50). When stapling your sheets together use the following order; cover letter, resume, envelope.

Number of pages required: 3 (including envelope and return address on plain sheet of paper)

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