IFS 105 Computer Assignment 4

IFS 105 Computer Assignment 4

In the Lab 1 Ex 58-59

Quarterly Sales Analysis Worksheet

(see page Ex 58 (FIGURE 1-82) for model)

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Hints and Corrections:

  1. Print the two pages in Portrait Style with no header, footer, or gridlines.
  2. In step 6 on page Ex 59, drag the right side of chart to A10:F21, not A10:H20 as listed in the book. (see FIGURE 1-82 on page EX 58 it is correct!) Also check that the text on the chart is the right size compared to FIGURE 1-82 on page EX 58, you need to change the Font size to 10.25  by using the following steps. Click on an open area of the chart to select it, right-click on the chart, from the short-cut menu click on Format Object... ,click on the Font tab, type 10.25 into the Size text box, click the OK button.
  3. In step 7 on page Ex 59, include the section number when entering the course entry. (example IFS 105-003) When entering the date in step 7 on page Ex 59, type a single quote (') before typing the month name to type the field as a string rather than date data type.
    example: 'March 1, 2007
  4. In step 11 on page Ex 59, instead of not saving the changes save the revised workbook as Lab 1-1 Trevor's Global Golf Outlet 3rd Quarter revised .

Number of pages required: 2

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