IFS 105 Computer Assignment 5

IFS 105 Computer Assignment 5

In the Lab 1 Ex 132-133

Weekly Payroll Worksheet

(see page Ex 132 (FIGURE 2-88) for model)

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Hints and Corrections:

  1. In step 4 on page Ex 133, do not calculate the total for % taxes paid in row 10 as mentioned in the book, use the same formula from row 9 above to calculate the % taxes paid.
  2. In step 6 on page Ex 133, if you do not have font Plump MT for cells A1 and A2 use Arial font and write me a note on your paper.
  3. In step 9 on page Ex 133, include the section number when entering the course entry. (example IFS 105-003) When entering the date in step 9 on page Ex 133, type a single quote (') before typing the month name to type the field as a string rather than date data type.
    (example: 'March 1, 2007)
  4. In step 11 on page Ex 133, the ACCENT MARK (`) is located just above the Tab button in the upper left hand corner of the keyboard on the same key with the tilde symbol (~).
  5. In step 11 on page Ex 133, Double-click on each of the column borders to best-fit the column sizes before printing the spreadsheet in the formulas version. (Save your worksheet before performing this step) After this step, close the workbook and retrieve the saved version from your disk, this will preserve your column width settings. 
  6. In step 11 on page Ex 133, after printing the worksheet in formulas view, save the formula workbook as Lab 2-1 Part 2 Deuce Plumbing Weekly Payroll Report Formulas.
  7. If you have problems trying to print the Cell Formulas view in landscape and Fit to 1 Page.  The printer ejects a blank page followed by a page with a Timeout error message.  The problem is the Fit to 1 Page option.  Specifically the default margins go outside the printable area and this causes a problem in the printer.

    The solution is simple.  When you go into Page Setup to set Landscape and Fit to 1 Page, also select the margins tab and set the margins to at least 0.5" all the way around.  The default that we saw was 0.25" which is definitely not enough.
  8. In Instructions Part 2: on page Ex 133, instead of not saving the changes save the revised workbook as Lab 2-1 Part 2 Deuce Plumbing Weekly Payroll Report.

Number of pages required: 3

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