IFS 105 Computer Assignment 6

IFS 105 Computer Assignment 6

PROJECT THREE (Work thru Chapter yourself) Ex 150 - 208

Aquatics Wear Six-Month Financial Projections page Ex 150

(see page Ex 147 (FIGURE 3-1) for model)

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Hints and Corrections:

  1. Add a header block under the Assumption area of the worksheet in column A rows 27-31; include your name, class and section number, assignment number (homework #6), date using the NOW function, and my name. Format the NOW function date cell so that the date is in the following format (October, 25 2007). This is the same identification information that you used on the 1st two Excel assignments. The blocks listed below represent the cells of the worksheet, you do not have to do anything special to create the borders. There is no header block function built into the software, you just type the information into the cells indicated above.

(Sample Header Block)

Your Name here
IFS 105-nnn
Homework #6
Date using (NOW) function
Mr. David J. Manning
Where nnn is section number of class.
  1. Print the worksheet and Chart in Landscaped orientation. (see steps on page Ex 200) In step 3 on page Ex 200 if 3 sheets display in the Print Preview instead of 2 set spreadsheet to Fit to 1 Page option after clicking the Setup... button in Print Preview mode of Excel.
  2. Print Cell Formulas in Landscaped orientation Fit to 1 Page (Best-fit each column first), save the formula workbook as Aquatics Wear Formulas.
  3. Print of "What If" Changes on page Ex 205 in Landscaped orientation, save the What If workbook as Aquatics Wear WhatIf.
  4. Print of Goal Seek... results on page Ex 207 in Landscaped orientation, save the Goal Seek workbook as Aquatics Wear GoalSeek.
    a. If the Goal Seek... option on the Tools menu is ghosted make sure that sheet name tabs at the bottom of screen are not both selected from a previous printing task. All selected sheet name tabs will show as white instead of gray. You need to deselect the chart tab by holding down the Ctrl key on the keyboard and clicking on chart sheet name tab at the bottom on the screen.

Number of pages required: 5

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