IFS 105 Computer Assignment 7

IFS 105 Computer Assignment 7

In the Lab 2 AC 59-60

Creating the Babbage Bookkeeping Database

(see pages AC 59 - AC 60 for models for two tables and report)

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Hints and Corrections:

  1. In step 2 on page AC 59, double-click the right edge of on each of the column borders to best-fit the column sizes before printing the Client table.
  2. In step 2 on page AC 59, double-click the right edge of on each of the column borders to best-fit the column sizes before printing the Bookkeeper table. set the page to Landscape orientation before printing the Bookkeeper table. Steps: (Click the Print Preview button, click File, click Page Setup..., click the Page tab, click the Landscape option button, click the OK command button.)
  3. In step 3 on page AC 60, in addition to the steps listed in the book create a new form called Client to add a new record to the Client table using the following data values: A00 for Client Number field, Your Name for the Name field, time and days of class for Address field (example: MWF 9:00), NKU for City field, 41099 for Zip Code field, zero for Balance field, finally for the Bookkeeper Number field enter a value of 34. Close the table and reopen it to cause your name record to go to the top using the primary key field. Rename the table Client Revised by clicking the Tables object on the left, click on the Client table on the right twice slowly to highlight its name, type Client Revised for the new table name before printing out the 3rd sheet of the assignment.
  4. In step 4 on page AC 60, sort the query on Client Number field before printing the query. Save the query as Client-Bookkeeper Query.
  5. In step 5 on page AC 60, in the 3rd Wizard dialog box sort on the Client Number field by clicking the pull down arrow on the right, use the Corporate style in the next to last dialog box in the Report Wizard, save the report name as Balance Due Report, set the page to Portrait orientation before printing the report.
  6. When stapling together your four sheets put the report sheet first with your name included in your report, be sure to circle your name. Your name should be in the first detail line of the report. Put the other sheets in the reverse order printed. (Balance Due Report, Revised Client Query, Bookkeeper Table, Client Table)

Number of pages required: 4

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