IFS 105 Computer Assignment 8

IFS 105 Computer Assignment 8

In the Lab 2 AC 110&111

Querying the Babbage Bookkeeping Database

(see page AC 111 (FIGURE 2-78) for model)

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Hints and Corrections:

  1. Name and Save all queries before printing so that the name of the query appears on the top of each printed page. Include the query step, your last name, days, and time and  in each query name. example name: (Query Step 2 Manning M-W-F 9:00)
  2. After printing each query page, write on the paper in pen on the bottom of each page the questions from the book used to reach the query dynaset. example: (fields: Client Number, Name, and Balance where Bookkeeper Number is 34.) Keep description as short as possible.
  3. In step 1 on page AC 110, use the Client Revised table from the previous Access assignment to do the queries instead of the Client table mentioned in this step.
  4. In step 10 on page AC 111, use page AC 98 step 1, paragraph 3 in book as guideline to perform this step. (Hint: You can not set 0 decimal places on a field without a format type)
  5. In step 11 on page AC 111, Double-click on each of the column borders to best-fit the column sizes before printing the 3 Queries. (Note: step 11 is three separate queries comprising 3 pages of outputs. (Label them as Step11a, Step11b, and Step11c)
  6. In steps 6 & 12 on pages AC 110&111, when the book says to save the query, put the name it says to use to the right of the name that I say to use. example query name: (Query Step 6 Manning M-W-F 9:00 Client-City Query)

Number of pages required: 13

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