Hints: Program 4

 | Assignments | Extra Credit | Outputs | Requirements |

  1. Before you start project: Remember to copy the Employee.MDB file from the student disk to your program disk. (Put Student Disk in drive A:. Use Windows Explorer to copy Employee.MDB to My Documents folder on drive C:. Insert your program disk into drive A: and copy Employee.MDB from the My Documents folder on C: to drive A:, delete Employee.MDB file from the the My Documents folder when finished.) (P.S. To see the directions to make a student data disk click the following command button)

  2. Use a control array for the Data-Aware labels that will be using the fields from the phone table found in the Employee database on the student disk to assign the captions of the labels. Name this array either lblEmployee or lblPhone. To make the label array look like text boxes change the BorderStyle property from 0 - None to 1 - Fixed Single, and the BackColor property from gray to white.
  3. To Find the Phone Icon used for the icon property of the form, click  Elipsis Icon  on the right side of the icon property in the property window, click Up One Folder Level Icon ( Up One Level Folder ToolTip button ), then use the following path; Common\Graphics\Icons\Comm\Phone16.ico.
    Note Home Users: The Common folder containing the Graphics folder will not be installed on your hard drive if you installed Visual Basic using the Typical Button, you need to put your Visual Basic Install CD into your computer and use the Custom Install button, put a check mark into the check box that says Graphics, this will put all the pictures on your hard drive it uses about 50 meg of memory.Click to see the Menu Editor menu structure
  4. Create a Menu System with Access keys and Shortcuts. Click the icon to the right to see the Menu Editor menu structure. Click the back button on the browser when done.
  5. Create a shortcut menu for the Select Menu to use it to move to the Next, Previous, First and Last records in the employee database. Use the following code statement to display the shortcut menu in the center of the screen. After entering the code shown below in red drag through the keywords PopUpMenu and MouseUp to and press the F1 function key to understand the options used in the statement below.

    Private Sub Form_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
    'Display Select Shortcut menu in center of form when the right mouse button is clicked
        If Button = vbRightButton Then  _
            PopupMenu mnuSelect, vbPopupMenuCenterAlign, _    

            ScaleWidth / 2, ScaleHeight / 2
    End Sub

  6. Use checkmarks in Select Menu to show that the Next, Previous, First and Last records in the employee database have been selected. (The last menu option used will display a check mark when the menu is accessed again) 
    Note Windows 2000 and XP users: The & character used in the caption property of the menu items will not cause the letters in the menu names to be underlined until the Alt-key is pressed, then all access keys will be displayed. To change this default in Windows XP, right-click on the Windows Desktop, click Properties at the bottom of the popup menu, click the Appearance tab at the top of the dialog box, click the Effects... command button, uncheck the checkbox labeled Hide underlined letters for keyboard navigation until I press the Alt key, click the OK button on the Effects dialog box, click the OK button on the Display Properties dialog box.
  7. For code for the check marks don't use the ToggleView Procedure from the book since it removes fields from the form. Set the checked property to true when the menu option is selected on the menu, and the other three menu choices checked property to false using code statements. These menu choices should be mutually exclusive. Only one menu option can have a check mark at a time.
  8. Checkmarks code for the Next Record Menu Option: (mnuNext_Click)
mnuNext.Checked = True
mnuPrev.Checked = False
mnuFirst.Checked = False
mnuLast.Checked = False

Use similar checkmark code statements for mnuPrev, mnuFirst, mnuLast, Click events and the Form_Load event. 
  1. Potential Problem with Access 2000,2002 and VB6: Some students are getting an error message about an ISAM file when trying to use the data control. To correct the problem change the Connect property of the data control from Access 2000; to Access, reset the DatabaseName property to a:/employees.mdb, change the RecordSource property from Employees to Phone. These changes should make the ISAM error message disappear.

Alternative to Data Control to access fields in a database: (Working Model edition of VB will not support this method!)

Use Data Environment Method for (10 pts.) Extra Credit only after completing assignment the regular way first !

Start a completely new standard .EXE Visual Basic project to use the Data Environment Method for extra credit, do not use the form from the previous method! 

Printouts required for Extra Credit: (Data Environment Method)
 Blank form, Properties, Code, and same four records as regular assignment.

 | Assignments | Extra Credit | Outputs | Requirements |