Hints: Program 6

 | Assignments | Extra Credit | Outputs | Requirements |

  1. P.S. do not change any of the control names on the forms created by VisData!
  2. In step 2 on page VB 6.62 when asked which version of Access to use choose version 7 not 2.
  3. Caution Office 2000 XP users: Visual Basic 6 may not read Access 2000 or 2002 database files depending on the Service Pack that you have installed. Your best solution is to convert the Access database to a prior version format. To do this click Tools on the Main-Menu, point to Database Utilities, point to Convert Database, click on To Prior Access Database Version..., type in a new name in the File name: text box and click the Save command button.
  4. Corrections to step 20 on page VB 6.63: Click Project on the menu bar and then click Project1 Properties...; When the Properties dialog box opens, on the General tab, set frmCustomers form to be the Startup Object and then close the dialog box. See steps starting on page VB 6.37 as a guide from in the chapter on how to set a form as the Startup form when the program runs.
  5. When adding the records to the database tables using the forms created in the Data Form Designer, click the Add button before adding the first record. You will receive an error message if you do not do this. Remember to click the Update command button when adding the last record in a table !
  6. In step 22 on page VB 6.64 instead of adding four records to the Customers table and the two records to the Employees table, add the records listed on page VB 6.67 in FIGURE 6-104 to the two tables
  7. In step 23 on page VB 6.64 wait to print out the Form Image, Code, and Form as Text until you have completed In the Lab 3.
  8. In step 17 on page VB 6.65 instead of adding ten records to the CompactDiscs table, add the records listed on page VB 6.67 in FIGURE 6-104 to the table.
  9. In step 18 on page VB 6.65 wait to print out the Form Image, Code, and Form as Text until you have completed In the Lab 3.
  10. The Working Model edition of VB will not support Crystal Reports! You need to come to the computer lab to complete the In the Lab 3 part of the assignment.
  11. In step 8 on page VB 6.66, the directions say click the Text button, the Text button appears as a button labeled "ab|" in the toolbar at the top of the Cyrstal Report Add-in program. This is the same Icon used in the Toolbox for the Text-box control in Visual Basic.
  12. To print out the 3 tables from Access follow these steps. In Windows Explorer double-click on the database name (Sound Advice.MDB). If Access asks you to convert the database to a newer version of Access don't do it! Click the open option button, Access will tell you that you will not be able to make changes to the data, which is OK since you are here simply to print out the data. After Access loads click the tables tab, double-click on the Customer table to open it, click the print preview button on the toolbar, click File then Page Setup, click the page tab, click the Landscaped option button, click OK button, click the printer icon Click to send Crystal Report to Printer on the toolbar. Follow the same steps to print the Employee and CompactDisk tables.
  13. Click the button on each of your forms to print out the 3 reports in Visual Basic using Crystal Reports. Once the report appears on the screen click the printer icon Click to send Crystal Report to Printer on the bottom toolbar to print the report to the printer.
  14. For 3 points extra credit: Create a menu on each form that will allow you to move to any input form in any sequence. This involves a series of show and hide methods (or unload and load statements) to make the proper forms appear. The way the program works without this menu is to unload the customers form when the close command button is clicked bringing up the Employees form, then the Compact Discs form after this. There is no way to get the Customer and Employee form back without re-starting the project.

Important Note Visual Basic 6 users:

If Crystal Reports is not accessible through the Report Designer on the Add-Ins menu, it is not installed. Execute the file Crystl32 in the Common\Tools\VB\CRYSREPT folder on the installation Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Professional Edition CD-ROM. This will ask you to install Crystal Reports into the Common folder under the Microsoft Visual Studio folder on your hard drive. The Report Designer option should now appear in the Add-Ins menu. Clicking on this option will lead you into the Crystal Reports software module. Note: The Crystl32  may be found on the 2nd install CD instead of the 1st install CD especially if you are using Visual Studio CD's instead of Visual Basic CD's.

Optional Alternative to using Crystal Reports to creating a Report: (10 Points Extra Credit:) (Working Model edition of VB will not support this method!) Before using the Report alternative save your forms and project under another name or in a different folder to preserve the work you did in crystal reports before changing the program to use the other reporting method!

Use Data Environment Method for Exta Credit only after completing assignment using Crystal Report first !

 | Assignments | Extra Credit | Outputs | Requirements |