
Art 230: Introduction to Painting
Spiritual Still Life Assignment

Due date to be announced

This assignment is going to be tough. We want to make a painting that has a spiritual force or presence without making something that is cliche. Think about how to construct a powerful spiritual image without using symbols i.e crosses, crucifixes, Buddha or menorahs. Using design elements, symbolism, and light will help you establish a more meaningful and powerful painting. Before starting this painting or even before setting up the still life think more about the idea of spirituality vs. the portrayal of religious beliefs. Can you make shoes, fruit, or other objects seem newly seen, as in a way that seems truly meaningful to you and others?

Other options include art historical references and the symbolism behind certain objects. Northern Renaissance Painting is packed with symbolism. For example, candles that have just gone out can mean several things, such as God was recently present or the transience of life. Baroque painting likes to incorporate severe light effects which often represent the presence of God.

This assignment will employ new and different painting techniques. First, we will start by doing a painting in grisaille (tone). Similar to our first value paintings, we will use burnt sienna, or burnt umber, instead of black. After this layer dries we will then glaze color into our painting. If for speeds sake you wish to use Acrylic to start the painting that's fine too.

I would like you to use masonite for this assignment. Try putting on more than just two coats of gesso, remember to sand the surface each time with finer grain sand paper after each application. Start with 200 grain and work your way up to 600 if you can. The size is up to you but the painting should be no smaller than 18" x 24", or 432 square inches. I expect at least six hours work on this project, but you may need to spend more time than that. Note for this process to work you can't cram it all in the night before. The success of this process relies on the several layers of glaze that need to dry to build the light up in your painting. I will inspect the grisalle part of this assignment on the 30th, and 31st of October.

Your paintings will be graded on the following criteria:

Sense of light, or lack of it to create mood.
Solidity of forms.
Depth of color.
How well does the artist give us a sensual and meaningful experience through the viewing of the work?

And, as usual, craft, composition, design, drawing, and content should also be considered.
Is there any under-painting that is still apparent in the work?
Artists to look at: Chardin, Van Eyck, La Tour, Velazquez, Rembrandt, Odd Nerdrum, Titian, Lucas Cranach

Good luck and may the force be with you.

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Kevin J. Muente
Assistant Professor of Art
Northern Kentucky University

Department of Art, Fine Arts Center 413
Northern Kentucky University
Highland Heights, KY 41099
(859) 572-6012