(Mulder): "...Witnesses described them as primitive-looking men with red, piercing eyes. Became known as the 'mothmen.' I got an X-File dating back to 1952 on it.."
(Scully): "What would that be filed next to, the Cockroach That Ate Cincinnati?"

Attention Greater Cincinnati area! An X-Files course!

NKU's Community Education Department is offering a course on the X-Files Tuesday, July 21, 7-9:30 p.m. at a cost of $19 on the Covington Campus. The presenter is P. Andrew Miller, English instructor & sci fi writer, who teaches at NKU and Raymond Walters. The title of the course is "Mythology of the X-Files: Is there truth out there?"

Essential Information

X-Files Humor




Can't-miss X-Files sites

  • An extremely impressive site, SFW (Sci-Fi Web) X-aminer is intelligent, entertaining and has a handsome user interface.
  • The X-Files Multimedia Archive has desktop themes, images, videos, sounds, fanfic, links, screen savers -- the list goes on!


X-Files Fun -- Pictures, Merchandise, etc.

Related Material

  • I saw this quote on the FB*'s page: "Use of the NAME, INITIALS, or SEAL of the FBI is restricted by law and may be used only with written permission of the FBI." Well, they didn't say I couldn't use their URL: http://www.fbi.gov/.


Deep Throat
Alex Krycek
Well-Manicured Man
Walter Skinner
Bill Mulder
Samantha Mulder
Fox Mulder
Dana Scully
Melissa Scully
Margaret Scully
William Scully
DISCLAIMER: FOX Network owns the X-Files. No copyright infringement is intended and no money is being made from the use of these characters. email me: diesmanj@nku.edu or give me some feedback!

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