Section Summary: 17.6

Parametric surfaces and their areas

  1. Definitions


    is a vector-valued function defined on a domain D in the uv-plane. The set of all points (x,y,z) such that


    as (u,v) vary over D is called a parametric surface S, and the equations 1 are called parametric equations of S. Curves on S corresponding to constant values of u and v are called grid curves.

    If a smooth parametric surface S is given by the equation


    and S is covered just once as (u,v) range over D, then the surface area of S is


    Note that, in the event that x and y provide a parameterization,


    which we've encounted before.

  2. Theorems

  3. Properties/Tricks/Hints/Etc.

  4. Summary

    Imagine the tip of a pencil in three-space, drawing out a surface (rather than just a curve). That's what we're dealing with in this section. An example surface is the tex2html_wrap_inline248 band, which is a (fundamentally) three-dimensional object created out of a rectangle. If the original rectangle represents the parameter space, then the vector tex2html_wrap_inline250 would draw out the tex2html_wrap_inline248 band.

    In a sense this is a ``change of variables'' problem: for example, a sphere is best parameterized by spherical coordinates tex2html_wrap_inline254 and tex2html_wrap_inline232 . Surfaces overlaying rectangular regions are best parameterized by our old friends x and y. Finding the best parameterization can be a challenge!

    Once we have a parameterization, we can easily compute the usual kinds of animals: surface areas, tangent planes, etc.

Mon Apr 19 01:20:01 EDT 2004