MAT360 Section Summary: 2.4

Error Analysis for Iterative Methods


Alex asked if there's a good way of getting a handle on the number of terms in Newton's method (in problem #5 of 2.3 he discovered that the answers in the back of the text were given to more accuracy than tex2html_wrap_inline258 required). That's the subject of this section.

We learned a bit previously in section 2.2: in 2.2 we obtained useful bounds for fixed-point methods, e.g.


where tex2html_wrap_inline260 , and tex2html_wrap_inline262 on [a,b], which brackets the fixed point p. You can use this for Newton's method, but perhaps we can do better, since the convergence is better (I've asserted that it's ``quadratic'', rather than linear).

Theorem 2.5 (from section 2.3): Let tex2html_wrap_inline268 . If tex2html_wrap_inline270 is such that f(p)=0 and tex2html_wrap_inline274 , then tex2html_wrap_inline276 such that Newton's method generates a sequence tex2html_wrap_inline278 converging to p for any initial approximation tex2html_wrap_inline282 .

This result is ``obvious'' (I claimed, in 2.2), since


when tex2html_wrap_inline284 gets into close proximity (i.e. a tex2html_wrap_inline286 -neighborhood) of p. We can be assured of ``contracting'' as long as the magnitude of tex2html_wrap_inline290 is bounded (e.g. tex2html_wrap_inline292 ) in that neighborhood, so long as


It's obviously true when tex2html_wrap_inline294 , and we simply choose tex2html_wrap_inline296 to be assured that we'll converge by the Fixed-Point Theorem (2.3).

Definition 2.6: Suppose that tex2html_wrap_inline298 is a sequence that converges to p, with tex2html_wrap_inline302 for all n. If positive constants tex2html_wrap_inline306 and tex2html_wrap_inline308 exist with


then the sequence converges to p of order tex2html_wrap_inline308 , with asymptotic error constant tex2html_wrap_inline306 .

  1. If tex2html_wrap_inline316 , the sequence is linearly convergent (e.g. standard convergent fixed point function, with tex2html_wrap_inline318 ), whereas
  2. if tex2html_wrap_inline320 , the sequence is quadratically convergent (e.g. Newton's method, with tex2html_wrap_inline318 ).

Q: What does asymptotic mean?

Q: Is bisection linearly convergent?gif Contrast this with Exercise #9, for your homework.

Theorem 2.7: Let tex2html_wrap_inline324 be such that tex2html_wrap_inline260 . Suppose, in addition, that g' is continuous on (a,b) and a positive constant k<1 exists with


tex2html_wrap_inline334 . If tex2html_wrap_inline318 , then for any number tex2html_wrap_inline338 in [a,b], the sequence of iterates


for tex2html_wrap_inline342 converges only linearly to the unique fixed point tex2html_wrap_inline270 .

Proof (by the MVT)

Theorem 2.8: Let p be a solution of the equation x=g(x). Suppose that g'(p)=0 and g'' is continuous and strictly bounded by M on an open interval I containing p. Then tex2html_wrap_inline276 such that, for tex2html_wrap_inline282 , the sequence tex2html_wrap_inline364 converges at least quadratically to p. Moreover, for sufficiently large values of n,


(Hence, Newton's method is quadratic.)

Proof (by Taylor series, and Fixed-Point theorem)

Example: Here's where we can make use of the quadratic convergence to address Alex's question: For problem #5b, for example, with


tex2html_wrap_inline370 and a solution tex2html_wrap_inline372 , we use


and then compute the first and second derivatives of g. We note that by theorem 2.2 there is a unique fixed point in the interval [-3,-2.74]; also we see that g has a maximum value of tex2html_wrap_inline380 on the interval [-3,-2.74]. g has a maximum value of <-.27 on the interval, so we could use Equation (1) above to make our estimate (it gives 8 iterations).

We can do better, of course! Here it is in lisp:

Theorem: the secant method is of order the golden mean.

Motivation: #12

It's possible to create methods that are of higher order than Newton's, but one does so at the expense of more constraints on f (e.g. tex2html_wrap_inline390 , and greater computational complexity:

Example: #11

Definition 2.9: A solution p of f(x)=0 is a zero of multiplicity m of f if, for tex2html_wrap_inline400 , we can write tex2html_wrap_inline402 , where tex2html_wrap_inline404 .

Theorem 2.10: tex2html_wrap_inline406 has a simple zero at tex2html_wrap_inline408 , but tex2html_wrap_inline274 .

Theorem 2.11: tex2html_wrap_inline412 has a zero of multiplicity m at tex2html_wrap_inline416 tex2html_wrap_inline418 , but tex2html_wrap_inline420 .

The Bisection Algorithm is Not Linearly Convergent. Sui-Sun Cheng and Tzon-Tzer Lu, College Math Journal: Volume 16, Number 1, (1985), Pages: 56-57.

Fri Sep 23 00:05:43 EDT 2005