Elementary Theory of Initial-Value Problems
First of all we need to say a little about what differential equations and initial-value problems are, and the conditions under which they have unique solutions.
Then we need to realize that, because we're solving these problems numerically, we're not going to be solving the initial-value problem, but rather one close to that given.
In this section we get a brief view of conditions under which a ``perturbed'' (slightly disturbed) problem will give reasonable information about the real problem.
is well-posed if
exists with
The problem (2) is called a perturbed problem associated with the problem (1).
Theorem 5.4: Suppose that
and that f(t,y) is continuous on D. If f satisfies a Lipschitz condition
on D in the variable y, then the initial value problem (1) has a
unique solution y(t) for
Theorem 5.3: If f(t,y) is defined on a convex set . If a constant L>0 exists with
then f satisfies a Lipschitz condition in y on D with Lipschitz constant L.
Theorem 5.6: Suppose that
and that f(t,y) is continuous on D. If f satisfies a Lipschitz condition
in y on D, then the initial value problem (1) is well-posed.
So the up-shot is that our initial-value problem satisfies a Lipschitz condition, we're in good shape: we're going to be able to get an approximation numerically.