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Jaeydah Edwards Jaeydah Edwards is a biology major in the Ecology, Evolution and Organismal track and an Environmental Sciences minor.

NKU sophomore Jaeydah Edwards spent Summer 2019 as part of a research team based at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio supported by a National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates grant project. Jaeydah was one of 12 undergraduates selected for the prestigious NSF program's "Ecology in Human Dominated Landscapes" project.

"Jaeydah exemplifies a transdisciplinary scholar. Her passion for research, dedication to understanding and protecting the environment and nuanced understanding of complex socio-ecological processes make her an excellent candidate for an REU experience,” wrote Dr. Kirsten Schwarz in a letter supporting Jaeydah's application.

Jayedah will work with the Miami University team from May 28th through August 2nd and receive a $5,000 stipend along with room and board. In addition to the research project, all students will take part in short courses on ethics and professions in ecology and environmental science.

A highlight of the experience will be a special workshop "A People and their Homeland" where students will learn directly from members of the Myaamia tribe of Oklahoma.