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Center for Integrative Natural Science and Mathematics (CINSAM)

CINSAM’s mission is to promote enthusiasm, excellence, and equity at pre-school through undergraduate levels by advancing and integrating teaching, learning and scholarship in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. In addition to working with our regional P-12 schools, CINSAM leads projects where students are involved in STEM research, leadership, and communication opportunities.

A student in protective lab gear using sophisticated laboratory equipment

Interdisciplinary Laboratory Equipment

The Dorothy Westerman Herrmann Science Center and the Health Innovation Center house numerous laboratory spaces with shared scientific equipment including a new Waters Xevo G2-XS QToF Mass Spectrometer with ACQUITY UPLC and Peak Scientific Nitrogen Generator for metabolomics experiments. Other equipment includes a flash chromatograph, a confocal microscope, a gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer, a 500 MHz Fourier Transform NMR (Bruker), and an atomic force microscope. The equipment is utilized by students during independent research with faculty, but also through experiments conducted within laboratory courses.