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School Leadership

Traian Marius Truta

Marius Truta, Ph.D.

Director, School of Computing and Analytics

GH 400G



I was born and raised in Alba Iulia, Romania. I moved to US in 1999, first in Detroit, and since 2014 in Northern Kentucky. I reside in Fort Thomas with my wife, Alina, and our girls, Christina and Andrea.


I earned my PhD in Computer Science from Wayne State University (Detroit, Michigan) in 2004. Before that, I received my BS and MS in Computer Science from Babes-Bolyai University (Cluj-Napoca, Romania) in 1998 and 1999. My research interests are in data privacy, databases, and social networks.

I am a Professor of Computer Science and the Program Director of the Master of Science in Computer Information Technology (MSCIT). I enjoy teaching both at the graduate and undergraduate level, especially Database related courses.

Rasib Khan

Rasib Khan, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Program Head, Computer Science & Software Engineering

GH 504D



Rasib Khan, Ph.D., is a tenure-track Assistant Professor of Cybersecurity in the Department of Computer Science at Northern Kentucky University, USA. Dr. Khan completed his Ph.D. from the University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA, in 2016. He completed his dual-MS degrees from Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden, and Aalto University (formerly, Helsinki University of Technology), Helsinki, Finland in 2011, as a European Union Erasmus Mundus Scholar in Security and Mobile Computing. He had worked in the cloud security research group in Nomadic Lab at Ericsson Research, Finland, and in the PURSUIT Future Internet European Union FP7 research group at Helsinki Institute for Information Technology, Finland. His fields of interests include cybersecurity, service security and privacy, secure information provenance, and service oriented frameworks in cloud computing and pervasive service frameworks, the Internet-of-Things, and decentralized and distributed systems.

Crystal Summers

Crystal Summers, M.S.

Assistant Professor of Practice
Program Head, Information Systems & Analytics

GH 504B



I live in Kentucky but Cincinnati is home. I’ve also spent years in Chatom, Alabama and Atlanta, Georgia. I live with my son, Chino. He’s a cream tabby, rescue cat. Yes, he has me trained. Interestingly, he enjoys the groomers. Interesting fact about me, I enjoy the beach and try to visit a new one each year.


I’ve earned a MS in Business Administration, Managing Information Technology and Health Informatics. My research interest includes: social media & health, mobile technologies, prescription drug monitoring programs and online learning.

Photo of Teuta Cata

Teuta Cata, Ph.D.

Associate Director, School of Computing and Analytics

GH 467



I am a typical Mediterranean woman, who was born in Albania and spent most of my life in Balkans (Albania and Greece). I love to travel especially in south Europe and I speak and understand several languages. The food, the warm weather, swimming in the sea, and hanging out with people are simple fun things that I truly enjoy.


I have my MBA and my Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska in Lincoln. My focus area was in Management Information Systems, with minors in Strategy and Software Engineering. My research and teaching areas include e-business, global information systems, ERP, and anything else that has an international angle in it.

I currently teach graduate and undergraduate classes in Information Systems, E-business, SAP, and global IT. I enjoy teaching via experiential learning where students connect with real companies, real projects, and enjoy hands on while learning.

Photo of Tony Tsetse

Anthony Tsetse, Sc.D.

Associate Professor
Program Head, Cybersecurity & Information Technology

GH 504C



I am from Ghana and moved to the USA in 2009. My wife and I have two sons (Malvin and Medwin) and a daughter (Mirabel). I had most of my education in Ghana and Europe (Germany and Denmark). Prior to joining NKU in Fall 2016, I taught at Livingstone College (NC), Towson University (MD) and State University of New York at Fredonia.


I earned my D.Sc. in Information Technology from Towson University in 2012. My research interest include, Network Performance Analysis, Bare Machine Computing and Cloud Computing.

The classes I enjoy teaching most are Networking, Programming and Database systems.

School Staff

Sue Murphy Angel

Sue Murphy Angel, M.P.A.

Senior Operations Coordinator
College of Informatics

GH 400F



My first professional experience in higher education was May 1998 at Northern Kentucky University. My previous field was credit management, but my employer moved out of the Cincinnati area and I did not want to follow.  I joined the Informatics team as the Dean’s Assistant in 2008.


I am an alumna of Northern Kentucky University. My undergraduate degree is in Political Science with a focus in Homeland Security. I also received my graduate degree at Northern Kentucky University in Public Administration. My research focus is in organizational reliability and resilience in local government.

I am active in university service as a member of Staff Congress, where I serve as the chair of the Staff Congress Credentials and Elections Committee.

Photo of Grant Beccaccio

Grant Beccaccio, B.A.

Academic Coordinator
College of Informatics

GH 400C



I currently live in Fort Thomas, KY and love this area. I am a nerd to my core and enjoy playing Dungeons and Dragons with my friends.


I graduated from NKU in 2018 with a bachelor’s degree in Electronic Media Broadcasting. I started working at NKU in the Office of Financial Assistance and enjoy the atmosphere here, just like when I was a student! I jumped at the chance to come back to the college where I got my degree.


School Faculty


* indicates part-time faculty; some may not be teaching every semester

Emeritus Faculty

Photo of Scot Cunningham

Scot Cunningham

Professor Emeritus
Conferred January 2022

Photo of Jeff Ward

Jeffrey A. Ward, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus
Conferred January 2022

Future photo of Sudesh Duggal

Sudesh Duggal, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus

Gail Wells

Gail Wells, Ed.D.

Professor Emeritus
Conferred April 2022



My husband and I have two children and three grandchildren who live in Paris, France and on the coast of northern California. Fortunately, we love to travel and have been fortunate to not only visit Paris and CA often, but also to see much of the world and all of the US except Hawaii. After 40 years of running and 21 marathons, I still enjoy running my favorite routes and new ones wherever I happen to be. My husband is a musician and in addition to spending time with our family, we enjoy music, theater, art, reading, movies, and long walks (often with our adorable King Charles Cavalier).


After beginning my career in industry as a software engineer, I earned a doctorate at the University of Cincinnati and then became a professor at NKU. I taught for decade or so and then began a period of service in academic administration. I served six years as Chair of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, followed by six years’ service as Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, and then followed by a decade as Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. I am pleased to return to the position that first attracted me to higher education – the position of full-time professor.

My primary teaching/research interests are programming, computer graphics and increasing diversity in computer science education and the IT work force. My primary interests as Provost Emerita are academic leadership and student success.

Charles Frank

Charles Frank, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus

Conferred April 2022



I grew up as a post-World War II baby boomer in sunny, dry, and brown Albuquerque, New Mexico. I moved to cloudy, wet, but green Northern Kentucky in 1979. My wife often leaves me to cook for myself as she travels a lot as a government consultant. I can only draw stick figures, but my older daughter is a talented artist in Brooklyn, NY. Like her dad, my younger daughter is a professor at Louisiana State University. I love travelling. I have been to 64 countries from China to Turkey to Brazil. I also enjoy classical music and opera.


I earned my MS at Carnegie Mellon University and my PhD at the University of Virginia. I taught at Penn State before coming to NKU. I have been a visiting professor at Iowa State University, Purdue University, Babeş Boyai University in Romania, and ENSICAEN in France. I also was a visiting scholar at Bell Labs in Denver, CO.

I can thank my grade school teacher mother for interesting me in the teaching profession. (However, I could blame her for my lack of height.) Teaching energizes me. NKU students are fun to work with. I especially enjoy sponsoring student research projects.

I started in mathematics but saw the future was more interesting in computer science. Computer science is ever evolving, which keeps me busy trying to keep up-to-date. In recent years, I have been doing research in cybersecurity, but this has yet to stop cyber criminals from causing problems.

Photo of Toru Sakaguchi

Toru Sakaguchi, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus
Conferred November 2022

Affiliated Faculty

Photo of Perry Bratcher

Perry Bratcher

Part-Time Faculty*

SL 263



I am the Digital Resources and Access Services Librarian at Steely Library. In addition to these responsibilities, I am a semi-professional musician participating in numerous local ensembles and active in church activities.


I hold a Bachelor of Music Education degree and a Master of Library Science degree from the University of Kentucky as well as a Master of Business Administration degree from Northern Kentucky University. My areas of research concentration are technology and management in libraries. I also teach technology courses for the American Library Association's Library Certification Program. I am the Editor for the Southeastern Library Association’s quarterly journal and have presented at numerous state and national conventions as well as published numerous articles.

Photo of Jill Liebisch

Jill Liebisch


SL 500



Photo of Andrea Brooks

Andrea Brooks

Associate Professor

SL 319

Photo of Lynn Warner

Lynn Warner, M.S.L.S.


SL 325




Born and raised in Cincinnati, I enjoy working so close to the city I love. I am married to a middle school teacher, and the proud mother of two boys.


I earned my Master of Science in Library Science from University of Kentucky in 2011. My research interests include information literacy and library education.

I enjoy teaching LIN 175 Information Literacy both online and in the classroom, and I love helping Library Informatics students succeed in my role as an advisor.

Photo of Mary Chesnut

Mary Chesnut


SL 522


Photo of Jeff Chesnut

Jeff Chesnut

Part-Time Faculty*
Director of Instructional Technology, Center for Innovation & Technology in Education

SL 223



Jeff is the Director of the Center for Innovation and Technology in Education. He is the primary point of contact for Canvas support and is an expert on many of the technological tools used by faculty. He currently offers classroom workshops and one on one consultations on various Canvas features and tools. Jeff started at NKU in 1997 in Career Development. In 2000, he accepted a management position in the IT Help Desk. In 2008, he moved to the training division of IT where he led trainings on software ranging from Microsoft products to Serena Collage before moving to full time Blackboard training and support. Jeff has taught as an adjunct in the Organizational Leadership program in the College of Arts and Sciences since 2008. Jeff earned his Bachelor of Arts in History from Centre College in 1986. He received a Master of Science in Technology from NKU in 2001.

SCA Advisory Council

Benjamin Baxter
Chair, SCA Advisory Board
Software Engineering Manager

David W. Bailey
Director Community Benefit 
St. Elizabeth Healthcare

Michael Clark Jr.
Senior Advanced Software Engineering Manager
The Kroger Co.

Josh Falter
Director, Software Engineering
GE Aerospace

Justin T. Fry
Security Transformation Consultant
Amazon Web Services

Kathie Gilchrist
IT Director
Ellis & Watts Global Industries, Inc.

Todd James
Chief Data & Technology Officer

Andrew Lawrence
Customer Engineer

Sebastian LaRosa
Director of Product Ownership, VP
Fifth Third Bank

Rick Moore
Former Senior Vice President, TriHealth
Retired, Part-Time Consultant

Linh Nguyen
Compass Group

Thomas Ruthemeyer
Retired, Teaching Professor Master of Health Care Administration Program
Xavier University

Clinton Schultz
iOS App Developer Intern
The Kroger Co

Edward Volker
Manager Architect, Data Management
Mass Mutual 

Tom Walton
