Visiting from out of town? We’ve got you covered! NKU has partnered with local hotels to offer exclusive discounts for our guests. Check out the deals below, or click here for a Google search of all hotels near NKU.
Rates may vary.
10 Hampton Ln, Wilder, KY 41076 (3.1 miles to NKU)
7% off best available rate at time of booking
Mention "NKU family discount" at the time of booking.
420 Riverboat Row, Newport, KY 41071 (6.2 miles to NKU)
$109 - Single or Double King
Contact Kevin Kraft at 859-308-3023 or at Mention that you're a guest of NKU.
609 Walnut St, Cincinnati, OH 45202 (7.6 miles to NKU)
$201 - Deluxe King or Double Queen | $231 - Luxury King
Click here to access the NKU Rate.
7373 Turway Road, Florence, KY 41042 (12.5 miles to NKU)
$149 - King or Double Queen | $232 - King Bed Junior Suite
Click here to access the NKU Rate.
638 Madison Ave, Covington, KY 41011 (5.8 miles to NKU)
$159 - Coppin King or Queen City Double Queen | $169 - Madison King Deluxe
Click here to access the NKU Rate.
10 West RiverCenter blvd, Covington, KY 41011 (6.3 miles to NKU)
Prices vary depending on time of booking.
Click here to access the NKU Rate.
7454 Turfway Rd, Florence, KY 41042 (12.5 miles to NKU)
Prices Starting at $90
Mention Northern Kentucky University at the time of booking.
50 Cavalier Blvd, Florence, KY 41042 (13.3 miles to NKU)
$75 - Single | $80 - Double
Mention Northern Kentucky University at the time of booking.