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Reimagining the Humanities in NKU’s Foundation of Knowledge General Education Curriculum


STAR is a faculty-led initiative to energize the humanities and demonstrate their relevance to all undergraduates. This program creates a high-impact, coherent, intellectually challenging, and inspiring general education experience for students.

a group of students discussing project, sitting in park - the word Study is superimposed


Study transformative texts to discover lives and places outside their own experience.

Businesswoman reading bulletin board in office - the word Think is superimposed


Think deeply and critically about their own identities in relation to others, a task enabled by the transformative texts that they study.
Volunteers planting trees - the word Act is superimposed


Apply what they learn responsibly and ethically, using classroom learning to shape approaches to problem-solving and innovation in their communities and careers.

Thoughtful designer looking through the window - the word Reflect is superimposed


Reflect on those actions as part of a broader intellectual and social project of humanistic inquiry.

Within these four pillars, STAR emphasizes literacy, written communication, and oral communication as foundational skills for twenty-first-century learners and leaders. It harnesses the humanities to introduce concepts, approaches, and skills that are essential for both participatory citizenship and workplace success.

Earn Your STAR Certificate


STAR students will earn a certificate by completing two STAR first-year experience courses (6 credit hours) and three additional STAR courses (9 credit hours)

Learn about STAR


 Click here for more information about the Foundation of Knowledge General Education program and requirements.

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A gathering of students on campus