text and links

Web Typography, Part I

All text in an html file should be hierarchically tagged for optimal SEO.

Text on the web is comprised of structural tags that function as block-level elements by default (p, h1–h6 tags). And, it's comprised of semantic tags that offer different forms of emphasis within the structural tags (strong, em, underline, etc.).

ways that type happens on the web

spacing Remember: typing html is not the same as typesetting. White space often collapses. This can be controlled with line breaks and other types of spacing; for example by using values for padding and margins, in particular.

sizing Type, images and spaces can be precisely designated with these options: pixels (16px); percentages (200%); or ems (1.5em)


the link tag Links are hypertext anchors; therefore, their tag is defined with <a> </a> . Links are an example of html elements where the attribute of the tag needs a value identified in quotation marks, such as: <a href=“http://www.htmldog.com”> html Dog </a> , where href defines the destination of the link (href stands for hypertext reference). Images can be linked as well as text.

targeting links Links can point to many different things, as indicated in the list of common secnarios below:

Coded samples of these are available in the 'Link Demo' portion of this page.

linking from within dreamweaver The way you type the link in the “link” field of the property inspector partially determines the kind of link you want. For example:

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