Encode in a Common Format


format(x, ...)
format.default(x, trim=FALSE, digits = .Options$digits)
format.pval(x, digits= max(1,.Options$digits-2), eps = .Machine$double.eps)


x any R object (conceptually); typically numeric.
trim logical; if TRUE, leading blanks are trimmed off the strings.
digits how many significant digits are to be used for numeric x. This is a suggestion: enough decimal places will be used so that the smallest (in magnitude) number has this many significant digits.


These functions convert their first argument to a vector (or array) of character strings which have a common format (as is done by print). The trimming with trim = TRUE is useful when the strings are to be used for plot axis annotation.

format.pval is mainly an auxiliary function for print.summary.lm etc., does separate formatting for fixed, floating point and very small values (those < eps).

The function formatC provides a rather more flexible formatting facility for numbers, does not provide a common format for several numbers, however.

See Also

formatC, paste, as.character.




p _ c(47,13,2,.1,.023,.0045, 1e-100)/1000
format.pval(p / 0.9)
format.pval(p / 0.9, dig=3)

p _ c(47,13,2,.1,.023,.0045, 1e-100)/1000
format.pval(p / 0.9)
format.pval(p / 0.9, dig=3)

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