Add Connected Line Segments to a Plot


lines(x, ...)
lines.default(x, y=NULL, type="l", col=par("col"), ...)


x, y coordinate vectors of points to join.
type character indicating the type of plotting; actually any of the types as in plot(..).
col color to use.
... Further graphical parameters (see par) may also be supplied as arguments, particularly, line type, lty and line width, lwd.


lines is a generic function taking the coordinates given in the x and y vectors and joining the corresponding points with line segments. The coordinates can alternatively be passed to lines in a plotting structure (a list with x and y components), a time series, etc.

See Also

points, plot, and the underlying ``primitive'' plot.xy.


# draw a smooth line through a scatter plot
plot(cars, main="Stopping Distance versus Speed")

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