Section 1.6: Proof of Correctness


This is another example demonstrating the value of logic in computer programming. ``Proof of correctness'' is carried out by means of proofs of wffs, called Hoare triples.


``Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it.'' Donald E. Knuth, author of The Art of Computer Programming.

Verification and Validation

``Correctness'' addresses the issue of verification - whether the program does what we intend it to do - rather than validation - what the client wants it to do.

``Testing can prove the presence of errors but never their absence.'' p. 69. And so we attempt to prove that errors do not exist, using logic.

``Proof of correctness generally is applied only to small and critical sections of code, rather than to the entire program.'' p. 69. I must admit that I've never done any of it in my own programming....


Assertion: condition on the variables of a program that should be verified at some given step, if the program is running correctly.

Many computer languages (e.g. C++) have standard commands for making assertions, and it is ``good form'' to use them. Our author makes the point that they ``...serve as valuable documentation after the program is complete.'' (For some of us, that may be all the documentation we leave behind!;)

The specification of a program can be formalized as follow:

Example: (top of p. 70)

Now we'll agree that the program P is correct if


or, in this case,


The abbreviation we will use for (1) is tex2html_wrap_inline230 (a so-called Hoare triple) (named after Tony Hoare , developer of the Quicksort algorithm), where Q is the precondition and R is the postcondition.

A general program is broken down into many Hoare triples, each with its precondition and postcondition - ``impressionistically'',


and P is provably correct if the implications tex2html_wrap_inline238 , tex2html_wrap_inline240 , tex2html_wrap_inline242 , tex2html_wrap_inline244 are valid.

Assignment Rule


then the Hoare triple is valid.

Example: Practice 30, p. 72

Example: Practice 31, p. 73

Conditional Rule

If we have a Hoare triple of the form tex2html_wrap_inline262 , where s is a conditional statement of the form


then tex2html_wrap_inline262 is valid provided tex2html_wrap_inline268 and tex2html_wrap_inline270 are valid.

Example: Practice 32, p. 75

Thu Jan 24 19:29:27 EST 2002