Project 1 - due 10/14

You may work on this project with one other student and, in fact, are encouraged to do so. If you choose to do so, turn in only one paper with both names on it. Placing both names on the paper attests that both of you participated in the work. In general, answers alone are not sufficient -- you must show appropriate work and reasoning. You may use available technology, whether your calculators, MATLAB, Mathematica, or any other. Work turned in should be neat, carefully written, and complete.

Materials for these projects are available on-line, at

You should choose one of the following to do:

  1. Diet Problems, p. 93 (MATLAB file)
  2. Adjacency Matrices, p. 114 (MATLAB file)
  3. Dominance Matrices, p. 114 (MATLAB file)
  4. Condition Numbers, p. 131
  5. The LU and QR Factorizations, p. 150 (MATLAB file)
  6. The Leontief Input-Output Model, p. 152 (MATLAB file)

For the project you choose, read the associated material from the text, the material in the pdf file, and work the problems posed in the pdf.

Website maintained by Andy Long. Comments appreciated.