Today: Fermat's Last Theorem
- Exam next Tuesday!
- Sections: (seven sections of which included problems)
- 6.1
- 7.1-3, 7.5
- 10.1-2
- 11.1-2
- Potential Theorem targets:
- Euler's theorem (Theorem 7.5, part I): induction argument,
top of page 137 (what I called the "lemma").
- Euler's theorem (Theorem 7.5, part II): second paragraph,
"Let gcd(a,n)=1 and ...." (this assumes that one has
already established the "lemma").
- Theorem 10.1 (I'll only ask for the proof in one
direction, if I choose this one)
- Theorem 11.1 (I'll only ask for the proof in one
direction, if I choose this one)
- Return homework 10.2 (problems 1, 4)
- Collect homework 11.1 (will be graded by tomorrow)
- Fermat's Last Theorem
Website maintained by Andy Long.
Comments appreciated.