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Join us for the next Department of Mathematics Major/Minors Lunch.
When: Friday December 5, 2008, 11:30am-1:30pm
Where: ST 343 (the Calculus Lab)
All mathematics majors and minors [and even prospective ones!;)] are welcome.
This is a great opportunity to get together with other students and faculty on
a very informal basis. Plus, the food is good.
If the vectors are in two-dimensions, then the lengths are just given using the Pythagorean theorem formula:
or, for position vectors of the form
in which case
Obviously this can be generalized to vectors in four dimensions, five dimensions; even six dimensions. Maybe seven dimensions, too; or even n dimensions.
It's clear that we can turn any vector into a unit vector, by simply scaling it:
Here it is in three-space:
with the obvious changes to formulas because you now have three components, instead of two:
and, in three-space,
This rule is familiar in the form of the old algebraic inequality
Now, let's "cut the string", and watch the ball fly. We had a formula for the trajectory, but now it's no longer in uniform circular motion. If there is no other force on the ball (e.g. we do this experiment in deep space), then it will fly off in a straight line. How can we represent this line parametrically?
Suppose that the string is cut at .