MAT225 Section Summary: 2.3

Characterizations of Invertible Matrices


Theorem 8: The Invertible Matrix Theorem

Let A be a square tex2html_wrap_inline229 matrix. Then the following statements are equivalent. That is, for a given A, the statements are either all true or all false.

  1. A is invertible.
  2. A is row equivalent to the identity matrix.
  3. A has n pivot positions.
  4. The equation tex2html_wrap_inline241 has only the trivial solution.
  5. The columns of A form a linearly independent set.
  6. The linear transformation tex2html_wrap_inline245 is one-to-one.
  7. The equation tex2html_wrap_inline247 has at least one solution for each b in tex2html_wrap_inline249 .
  8. The columns of A span tex2html_wrap_inline249 .
  9. The linear transformation tex2html_wrap_inline245 maps tex2html_wrap_inline249 onto tex2html_wrap_inline249 .
  10. There is an tex2html_wrap_inline229 matrix C such that CA=I.
  11. There is an tex2html_wrap_inline229 matrix D such that AD=I.
  12. tex2html_wrap_inline273 is invertible.

As the author says, ``the power of the Invertible Matrix Theorem lies in the connections it provides between so many important concepts....''

#5, p. 132

#11, p. 132

#15, p. 132

#17, p. 133

#18, p. 133

#27, p. 133

A linear transformation tex2html_wrap_inline275 is said to be invertible if there exists a function tex2html_wrap_inline277 such that


Theorem 9: Let tex2html_wrap_inline275 be a linear transformation and let A be the standard matrix for T. Then T is invertible if and only if A is an invertible matrix. In that case, the linear transformation S given by tex2html_wrap_inline299 is the unique function satisfying (1).

#38, p. 133

Definition: A matrix that is nearly - but not quite - singular is said to be ill-conditioned. A matrix that is ill-conditioned causes trouble when the time comes to invert, and for other calculations. The condition number of a matrix measures how poorly conditioned a matrix is. The identity matrix has a condition number of 1, and is perfectly well-conditioned. The larger the condition number is, the closer a matrix is to singular (the condition number is infinite for a singular matrix). For a tex2html_wrap_inline301 matrix, the closer the determinant is to zero, the larger the condition number.

#42, p. 134

Sat Jan 29 20:55:05 EST 2011