Class ValueMath

All Implemented Interfaces:, Value

public class ValueMath
extends java.lang.Object
implements Value

A ValueMath object is an easy way to create Value objects that are computed from other Value objects. For example, "new ValueMath(a,b,'+')" is an object whose value is obtained by adding the values of a and b.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
ValueMath(Function f, Value x)
          Create a ValueMath object whose value is computed as f(x).
ValueMath(Value x, Value y, char op)
          Create a ValueMath object whose value is computed by applying an arithmetic operator the values of x and y.
Method Summary
 double getVal()
          Get the value of this object.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ValueMath(Value x,
                 Value y,
                 char op)
Create a ValueMath object whose value is computed by applying an arithmetic operator the values of x and y.
op - The arithmetic operator that is to be applied to x and y. This should be one of the characters '+', '-', '*', '/', or '^'. (No error is thrown if another character is provided. It will be treated as a '/').


public ValueMath(Function f,
                 Value x)
Create a ValueMath object whose value is computed as f(x).
Method Detail


public double getVal()
Get the value of this object.
Specified by:
getVal in interface Value