Class WrapperFunction

All Implemented Interfaces:
ExpressionCommand, Function, MathObject, ParserExtension,

public class WrapperFunction
extends FunctionParserExtension

A WrapperFunction contains another function and delegates to it all calls to methods from the Function interface, except for calls to setName() and getName(). (It maintains its own name, which can be different from the name of the wrapped Function.) This has at least two uses: A WrapperFunction is a FunctionParserExtension, so it can be added to a parser and then used in expressions parsed in that parser. Second, the function that is wrapped inside the WrapperFunction object can be changed by a call to the setFunction() method. This makes it possible to have a single function that can be used, for example, in ValueMath objects and Graph1D's, whose definition can be changed at will. Note that it is NOT legal to change the arity of the function when calling the setFunction() method.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Fields inherited from class edu.hws.jcm.functions.FunctionParserExtension
Constructor Summary
WrapperFunction(Function f)
          Create a WrapperFunction object containing a specified function.
Method Summary
 void apply(StackOfDouble stack, Cases cases)
          Evaluate the function applied to argument values popped from the stack, and leave the result on the stack.
 boolean dependsOn(Variable x)
          Return true if the definition of this function depends in some way on the variable x.
 Function derivative(int wrt)
          Return the derivative of the function with repect to argument number wrt, where arguments are numbered starting from 1.
 Function derivative(Variable x)
          Return the derivative of the function with respect to the variable x (where x is NOT one of the parameters of the function).
 int getArity()
          Return the number of arguments of this function.
 Function getFunction()
          Return the function that is currently wrapped in this WrapperFunction.
 double getVal(double[] arguments)
          Find the value of the function at the argument value argument[0], ....
 double getValueWithCases(double[] arguments, Cases cases)
          Find the value of the function at the argument values argument[0],....
 void setFunction(Function f)
          Set the function that is contained in this WrapperFunction.
Methods inherited from class edu.hws.jcm.functions.FunctionParserExtension
appendOutputString, compileDerivative, doParse, extent, getName, setName, setParensCanBeOptional
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public WrapperFunction(Function f)
Create a WrapperFunction object containing a specified function.
f - The non-null function that will be contained in the WrapperFunction.
Method Detail


public void setFunction(Function f)
Set the function that is contained in this WrapperFunction.
f - The non-null function to be used in this WrapperFunction object. It must have the same arity as the current function.


public Function getFunction()
Return the function that is currently wrapped in this WrapperFunction.


public int getArity()
Return the number of arguments of this function.


public double getVal(double[] arguments)
Find the value of the function at the argument value argument[0], .... The number of arguments should match the arity of the function.


public double getValueWithCases(double[] arguments,
                                Cases cases)
Find the value of the function at the argument values argument[0],.... Information about "cases" is stored in the Cases parameter, if it is non-null. See the Cases class for more information.


public Function derivative(int wrt)
Return the derivative of the function with repect to argument number wrt, where arguments are numbered starting from 1.


public Function derivative(Variable x)
Return the derivative of the function with respect to the variable x (where x is NOT one of the parameters of the function).


public boolean dependsOn(Variable x)
Return true if the definition of this function depends in some way on the variable x. (Note that the function does NOT depend on the variables that are being used as its parameters!)


public void apply(StackOfDouble stack,
                  Cases cases)
Evaluate the function applied to argument values popped from the stack, and leave the result on the stack. This is not meant to be called directly.
apply in class FunctionParserExtension
Following copied from interface:
stack - contains results of previous commands in the program.
cases - if non-null, any case information generated during evaluation should be recorded here.