"Numerical Evidence" -- you were really supposed to dig
out the ol' calculator and create a table or two, to
indicate what's going on....
#56 involves a conjecture, which we can now prove!
#61 sets us up for today's introduction of the derivative
You have a problem set due tomorrow (by hand).
New assignment:
Section 2.7/3.1
Read 3.2 in preparation for class tomorrow
Hand in the following for grading:
pp. 106--, #69-72 (due Monday, 2/8)
Section 2.7: The Intermediate Value Theorem
A challenge....
The Intermediate Value Theorem:
If f is a continuous function on the closed interval [a,b]
and the number M satisfies f(a) < M < f(b) (note: the
endpoints are not equal), there is a point c between a and
b where f(c) = M.
What can go wrong if f(a)=f(b)?
One thing this gives us is a method for finding roots of functions to
greater and greater precision -- The Bisection Method.