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In this section we discover that a homomorphism
induces ("generates") two special subspaces: one
in the domain space, V, and one in the
"codomain" space W.
The important new space generated in the domain is the space of vectors that get mapped to the zero vector of space W (vectors that are "annihilated" by the homomorphism -- that sounds pretty exciting!).
The important new space generated in the codomain W is the space of vectors that are images of vectors of space V.
"...a linear map is determined by its action on a basis."
Let's take a good look at example 1.1 from this section, p. 193.
At the end of this example, bottom of p. 194, the author defines (essentially creates a) matrix multiplication. This definition is crucial for all that follows.
matrix multiplication:
Observe the essential alignment of dimensions:
"Matrix-vector product can also be viewed column-by-column."