Assignments for Mathematical Sciences Seminar

Day Date Activity Assignment (due one week from date assigned, unless otherwise stated)
Wed8/20 Welcome!

  1. Visit the Final Project page from mat194 group of Spring, 2011.
    • Find one project that you admire, and
    • Find one project that you think needs work.
    • Type up (to hand in next time) a one page description of
      1. what made the preferred project better, and
      2. what made the lesser project worse.
      That's one page for both descriptions. Cover anything and everything you think worth noting: appearance, style, mathematics, etc.

  2. Using the two source documents and whatever mathematics you know, decide

    1. Whether to take the insurance on the MacBook Air or not, and
    2. Which photograph package represents "the best value" in a sense that you are to determine:

      You need at least 1 8x10, and 8 2x3s, and will consider the others if they're "cheap enough" given the need to buy the first two. You must choose one package, and can buy the sheets to complement your package.
    3. Can you think of other "back to school" opportunities to exercise your math?

Wed8/27 Discussion of the mathematics of "back to school" decisions Heather Bullen Summer Research Celebration is this day (August 27, 4-6pm, Student Union Ballroom). The math talks to consider are listed here.

Homework for next time (due Wed, 9/3):

Wed9/3 Visit from Alumnus Greg Lemmon Revised previous homework (due 9/10):
  • Visit Steven Strogatz's site on the Elements of Math, and then

  • Type up a well-written one-page summary of a topic of your choice. Describe how one might turn this into a final project.
Wed9/10 Andy Long presents "Planetary Emergency: the Carbon Crisis Across the Curriculum" Homework for next time: please read "A Sketch of the Cultural Career of Mathematics" for discussion.
Wed9/17 The Cultural Career of Mathematics Re-read "A Sketch of the Cultural Career of Mathematics" for discussion with Dan Curtin, Math Historian.

Type up your answers to the following for homework:

  • Look up

    • non-Euclidean geometry
    • Godel's "Incompleteness" Theorem

    and write a few sentences about each, as though you're explaining to someone with a non-technical background. Put it in your own words!

  • What specific work is credited with providing mathematics with its credibility and importance for so long?
  • Find one mathematician whose name you did not know, and give a short bio.
  • Find one philosopher/poet/humanist whose name you did not know, and give a short bio.
  • Find five words with which you were unfamiliar, and give definitions.

Wed9/24 Dan Curtin, Math Historian A finer discussion of "A Sketch of the Cultural Career of Mathematics".
Wed10/1 Nathan Dasenbrock-Gammon will share his project on better plotting with Sage You have a reading homework assignment for next week, on Infinity. Please read the first six pages of this overview.

Steve Wilkinson will join us to talk about some work that he and his daughter are carrying out regarding infinity.

Wed10/8 Steve Wilkinson -- an infinite fall break Please continue reading this overview of infinity: section 3, "The Emergence of Calculus"

Write up answers to the following (you don't need to type them):

  1. What is a one-to-one correspondence? Describe an explicit one-to-one correspondence for the figure on page 5 of the reading.
  2. Compute the derivative of another function (say ) using the method on page 7.
  3. Attempt to use Euler's formulas (bottom of page 8) when and . What happens? Are these formulas any good? Any idea why?

Wed10/15 Infinity Type up a well-written, one-page proposal for your poster presentation. The focus should be on the mathematics you want to investigate.

I'd like for you to provide some justification or background information on why it would make a good topic.

Wed10/29 Dr. Jen Quammen, Veterinarian Homework:
  • revise and refine your proposal, and resubmit (typed, three pages).
  • Include at least one reference.
  • If you didn't submit a proposal last time, your job is to write one, then get it peer-edited by two peers.

    An email has been sent, with details.

Wed11/5 Dr. Regan Murray, applied mathematician at the EPA Homework: Comment (one page typed) on the two talks we have had (last time from Jen, and today from Regan).

  • Jen Quammen is a professional (a vet), and Regan Murray works in government (the EPA). Have you considered a career in either of the professional world or government?
  • What would you think of spending 5-7 years in graduate school to attain one of these professions? What concerns would you have?
  • Is graduate school a realistic option for you? Why or why not?

Wed11/12 Project Work Day Homework: (for next time) Project revision: Two pages: one typed, the other a mock poster.

Visuals, visuals, visuals! Manipulatives, manipulatives, manipulatives!

How will you incorporate elements into your poster that will attract folks like bees to honey, and help to convey your message (whatever that is?).

Map out your poster (note: you may be considering a presentation of some sort, rather than a poster. If so, please let me know). Take a sheet of blank white paper, and put titles, images, text, etc. strategically on this poster to create a design which you feel will appeal.

Furthermore, think about how the design will facilitate the takeaway message that you want your poster to have.

The message that you want to leave the visitor with is your typed page. Summarize (give the elevator speech) for your project. If you only had a couple of minutes, what would you want the listener to hear?

Wed11/19 Project Work Day Final assignment:

You need to prepare a four (or more) page project report. The report should be a summary of your presentation/poster, but should be self-contained and "free-standing" (i.e. it could be read and understood in the absence of your poster or presentation).

This report will include references, some visuals (graphs, diagrams, photos, etc.), and a focus on the mathematics that you have highlighted. In addition it should include something about your personal interest in the subject. It will be type-written and double-spaced.

For next class (12/3): you should have a rough draft to share with your classmates. The final report will be due at the time of our poster presentations on 12/10.

Wed11/26 Thanksgiving  
Wed12/3 Project Work Day  
Mon12/8 Poster Presentations: 10:10-12:00  

Website maintained by Andy Long. Comments appreciated.