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Let's derive the derivative of the inverse, using a neat trick:
the inverse identity
and the chain rule.
Now, let's look at a particular function:
This pair of graph should remind of us two important concepts that you will have heard about in science classes at some point: doubling time, and half-life. How so?
How do we write that mathematically?
The concept is often misused in common parlance, however: you'll often hear someone say that something's "growing exponentially!" -- by which they mean what?
Do you think that this physical quantity (Total Global CO2 emissions) shows signs of exponential growth?
The data is represented by the blue graph -- what do you suppose the dashed graph represents?
Take a look at Figure 9, p. 395, in this section. Is the exponential doing a good job of fitting the data?
Of course the negative exponents law causes us trouble when we
talk about inverses of functions: may people will make the
mistake of thinking that the inverse function
is the same as
because of this law.
The real problem is that we mathematicians are too lazy: we keep reusing notation, even to the confusion of our students.... We need to be attentive, and interpret the notation in context. Mathematicians are not alone, however: the same is found in language, right? What is "lead"? Did I lead a squad to victory, or were we mowed down in a shower of lead?
This is almost a magical property: the rate of change of an exponential function is proportional to its value. In one case, the rate of change is the function value. The slope of the tangent line is the value of the function. Curious!