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Let's talk error now. Remember error? As we discussed for the case of Simpson's rule, it's nice to give an estimate -- but even nicer when you can provide an error estimate, also....
Now, provided goes to
zero as
on the
, the
is equal to its Taylor series on
There are actually various forms of the remainder term. This one is kind of nice, because we can see how to obtain the following bound:
This exercise (and Taylor series in general) emphasizes that the behavior of a function may be completely dictated by the derivatives of the function at a single value of x=a:
Local behavior determines global behavior, but we need an infinite amount of local information (all derivatives evaluated at x=a).
This is an astonishing observation.
For this exercise we're approximating f(x) in the vicinity of x=a, however, by using only a finite amount of derivative information at x=a. Hence there will be errors.
I've added a few "supplementary" elements to my solution, such as the error in the 8th Taylor polynomial as well as the error bound:
Emphasis is on the following: