You have a homework assignment due today, on fractals.
You also had an assigned Reading for today: Graphs. I hope that you had a chance to read it.
Review, emailed to me this morning: "NKU student opera this Friday
at 8 pm and Sunday at 3 pm, Greaves. The opera is Dr. Miracle
(Bizet). The students are doing a great job. It's very funny (and short --
under an hour). You'll enjoy the show!"
You have two readings that concern graphs coming up from your
text. It wouldn't hurt to do those ASAP.
Question of the Day:
What do graphs have to do with Facebook?
Before we answer that, however, let's recall what we did last time:
We started in Konigsberg, Prussia, with a game about bridges. Can
we traverse all the bridges before traversing any one of them twice?
We encountered the definition of a graph as a set of vertices (or
points), some connected by edges.
We discovered Euler's solution to this problem: traversal is
possible only if there are either 0 or 2 odd-degreed vertices.
Now, back to graphs:
Graphs don't change by bending edges, but breaking them or
detaching edges from their vertices (and hence creating new vertices)
gives new graphs.
A graph is simple if it doesn't have any loops (edges connected
from a vertix to itself), or multiple edges with the same two vertices.
Now: how might we relate this concept to Facebook?
Exercise: let's draw all the simple graphs with one, two,
and three vertices.
A cycle is a route from a node back to itself that
doesn't retrace steps.
One of these graphs is a tree: a graph that has no cycles.
Where have we seen trees used before?
Exercise: you draw all the simple graphs with four vertices.
Have you ever seen any of these before? Could we give any
of them names?
Planar graphs are graphs that can be drawn such that no two edges
Complete graphs are simply graphs with connections between
every pair of vertices (but no loops).
Exercise: Let's see if we can show that the complete graph
with five vertices is not planar:
We can show that the complete graph with four vertices is
Why isn't the five graph planar? What happens?
The three utilities and three houses graph is not planar, either:
Any non-planar graph has a copy of one of these two graphs
in it somewhere, as a subgraph:
Website maintained by Andy Long.
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