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The story of the prediction of Halley's comet is priceless (p. 312).
You might read through 8.4 for next (higher-order Taylor methods).
I may be making a few references to that page as we go along. Let's start with this one (about what we're actually solving, or attempting to solve).
The upshot is expressed well in the authors' quote that "...the
numerical solution values and
do not lie on the true
solution. In fact, they do not even lie on the same solution."
Start by taking a peak at Figure 8.13, p. 325. It illustrates everything that we want to consider.
Our author distinguishes three types of error: in this figure there are two,
I want to prove a result which gives a bound on the error we're making (ignoring rounding error).
Compare this to the result at the bottom of p. 326. They claim
that the global discretization error is proportional to . (We're in the ballpark!)
The neat thing is that we can arrive at an optimal h, provided we can bound the second derivative and the rounding errors.