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It's a hoof, but it should be fun. If you're interested let me know -- you'll no doubt be able to take care of all four of your events this way, if you so wish. I've got four on the list at the moment, and there's room for plenty more! All welcome, and "all expenses paid"!
Today we'll be hearing from Laura Farro, one of your peers, who is teetering on the edge of graduation. It's touch-and-go, but we think that Laura is going to cross the finish line.
Laura has done a lot, and she will share insights on any number of fronts (if you'll just ask her). But in particular I've asked her to share some of the stories of her undergraduate research experiences.
I'm sure that she'll also be willing to share thoughts about her experiences moving forward: what's next? How has the transition gone?
Laura will be happy to take your questions: please feel free to ask at any time during her talk.