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It's a hoof, but it should be fun. If you're interested let me know -- you'll no doubt be able to take care of all four of your events this way, if you so wish. I've got four on the list at the moment, and there's room for plenty more! All welcome, and "all expenses paid"!
This week may be your last chance to sign up....
My focus is primarily on using music to inform math. That's my direction: from music to math. Others might use math to create music, and, in fact, I'll give you a little example of how one might do that (sort of).
Here he is with his singing group, "The Logarythms", doing a few numbers at the 1991 Ohio MAA meetings (like the KYMAA meetings, only hi in the middle and rounder on the ends!). (Minute 8:40 features permutations).