period is $4\pi$; length of the curve is 9.42943. If you don't
have period right, you won't get this!
You know it's not $2\pi$-periodic when it requires about $4\pi$
length of values to find the horizontal and vertical slopes....
Problem 2:
parabola (half!): $x \gt 3$
These are conic sections (celestial paths/orbits):
(slices of a cone). Notice that the circle and parabola are actually
degenerate cases (we say "non-generic"). They are very precarious: the
slightest perturbation (bump) throws them into something else:
For the circle, it's an ellipse;
but the parabola is between two worlds: an ellipse if
pushed one way, and hyperbolas if pushed the other!
Notice that straight lines and points are other degenerate cases.