MAT115: Math for Liberal Arts


DateDayMAT115 activity 
1/11/2021MChinese artifact

Assignment for Thursday, 1/14:

1/14/2021RPascal's Triangle/The Great Fraudini Please read "Rock Groups" (p. 7) for next time.

Try to fill in the next row of the Chinese version of Pascal's triangle, using bamboo counting rods. You might want to do it with Pascal's triangle first, so you'll know what numbers you're shooting for. See if you can discover how the system works.

Contribute to the discussion about The Great Fraudini. See if you can figure out the trick, and start reading other people's minds!

1/18/2021MHolidayMLK, Jr. Day
1/21/2021RPrimitive Counting Please read Location, Location, Location (p. 35) for next time.

Homework due Monday, 1/25, at 8:00 am:

  1. Write the following composite numbers as products of prime numbers:

    1. 33
    2. 32 (primes can be repeated!)
    3. 84

  2. Imagine that you're playing Fraudini's trick with a friend: for each of the following numbers, indicate which cards contain that number by writing each number as a sum of powers of 2:

    1. 53
    2. 49
    3. 31

  3. For the following use the method of "primitive counting" described in class:

    1. Turn the following into the appropriate string of 1s and 0s (drawing the tree for me is desired):

      1. 32
      2. 63
      3. 97

    2. Turn the following strings of 1s and 0s into the appropriate number of sheep (again, drawing the tree for me is desired):

      1. 1,0,1,0,1,0
      2. 1,0,1,0,1,0,1
      3. 1,0,1,1,0,0,0,1

1/25/2021M Homework assigned today:

  1. Please read this article on One-to-one correspondence.

  2. In addition, you will begin work on your first IMath assignment. Please go to the IMath website and sign up (you can use your NKU username, but any password you like):

    • Course ID: 446
    • enrollment key: 3.14159

Your first assignment is up. You're allowed unlimited attempts on this one, without penalty; so you should be able to get a perfect on it!

Due dates for IMath assignments are shown within IMath. (This one happens to be due on 2/5.)

1/28/2021R Homework: continue working on your IMath assignment (if you've not finished it yet). While you're doing that, enjoy Vi Hart teaching us how to Binary hand-dance. See if you can dance along!

And if you didn't do that reading from last time, how about doing it now?

2/1/2021MMayan Mathematics Homework (due Monday, 2/8 -- submit a pdf on Canvas):

  1. Write the following numbers in the Mayan number system (assume places 1, 20, 360=18*20, 18*20*20, etc.), and in the Babylonian number system (using martini glasses and boomerangs):

    1. 58
    2. 223
    3. 818
    4. 7582
    5. 9433
    6. 79420
  2. Complete the Mayan lunar calendar. Please show some work for the calculations -- no work, little credit.
2/4/2021R Fraudini Nim Your job: figure out the strategy, with the aid of your classmates on this Canvas Discussion (please don't simply do Google searches, etc. -- that kind of ruins the whole exercise). And remember not to spill the beans if you get it figured out! Provide hints, not answers. Answers come Monday....
2/11/2021R Secrets of Fraudini Nim Now that you know the strategy, it's time to play! You have a new IMath assignment, which is due in a week. It features several chances to

  1. Write a number as a sum of non-consecutive Fibonacci numbers;
  2. Choose whether to go first or second in Fibonacci Nim, and then make your first move.

Plus there are a few "throwback" exercises.

This time, however, there is a penalty for successive tries -- so you want to try to get things right on the first go!

2/15/2021MHolidayEarly Spring Break
2/18-2/19/2021RFExam 1Your exam will be taken via Lockdown Browser
2/22/2021MFibonacci and Golden Spirals Please read the following:

  1. "Working Your Quads" (p. 67 of our text)
  2. Some readings (found here -- view each image separately for easier reading):

    • Background History of "Pascal"'s triangle
    • Properties of "Pascal"'s triangle

2/25/2021R Egyptian Multiplication Homework (due 3/1 -- submit to Canvas):

  1. Assume that you have four different individuals, B, L, M, and A. Draw all possible distinctly different Facebooks with exactly two friendships. If you followed along in the video, you know exactly how many to expect, by looking in the proper row of Pascal's triangle.

    (Draw them as I did in the video.)

  2. Demonstrate Egyptian multiplication by multiplying the following (write out the table, and check your work):
    1. 13*34
    2. 23*79
    3. 81*123
    4. 255*256

3/1/2021M Egyptian Division Please read this beautiful summary of number systems, from The History of Mathematics, By Anne Rooney.

Homework (due 3/8 -- upload to Canvas): Demonstrate Egyptian division in two ways:

  • Demonstrate Egyptian division by dividing:
    • 9/4
    • 13/7
    Try these using the same sort of "doubling/halving" table that we use for multiplication.

  • Demonstrate Egyptian division by dividing:
    • 4/9
    • 7/13
    Try these using the unit fractions table method, and Fraudini's trick (writing a number as a sum of distinct powers of 2).
3/4/2021RSymmetry Your homework (submit on Canvas, and due Wed. 3/10 at midnight): do the problems on the first three pages of this symmetry handout. You don't need to worry about those problems listed as being on other sheets. It's just the problems that you find on those first three pages that you should do.
3/8/2021MPlatonic Solids Readings for next time:

  1. The Enemy of My Enemy (complete graphs)
  2. Group Think (complete, directed graphs)

As a "homework" (for your own good!), cut out and create Platonic solids out of paper, using this template. You may use these as a cheat sheet for the next exam. You must have put them together, however, and you must use only your own.
3/11/2021RBridges of KonigsburgHave you done your readings?!
3/15/2021MPlanar Graphs and Apps Homework (due Monday, 3/22):

  1. Draw the complete graphs with 6, 7, and 8 vertices. How many edges are there for each? What is the formula for the number of edges of a complete graph with n vertices?
  2. Draw all the distinctly different simple graphs with one and two vertices (there aren't many!). How many were there for three, four, and five vertices (these were done in the "lecture", or were in the notes)? Can you find any pattern to the number of each? How many do you think there are with six vertices?
  3. A floor plan for a house can be considered a graph: each room is a vertex, and each door between rooms is a "bridge" (an edge).

    1. Create a "floor plan" of your house (here's mine). Does it have an Euler path? Explain why it does or doesn't. (By the way, the "outdoors" is also a vertex! Your front/back door(s) leads to this "outdoors" region. In an apartment, out into the hall.)

      You can design your own floor plan, if you wish -- perhaps of your dream house. I'm not going to be checking that your floor plan is a faithful representation!

      If your house has multiple floors, pick your favorite.

    2. Add windows as additional edges (generally to the outdoors). Does that change things?

  4. Give two examples of balanced and two examples of unbalanced graphs with four people in them (see "The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend"). Four examples total.

  1. Please read Chapter 27: Twist and Shout (Strogatz, p. 219)

  2. Please check out these videos by Vi Hart:

    1. The first is called Snakes and Graphs. She's always got something really interesting to share.
    2. The second is called Mobius Music Box

  3. To submit (due Thursday, 3/25):
    1. Check and verify Euler's formula for the Platonic solid graphs.

    2. Create your own Vi Hart squiggle (it's got to be closed), and show that it can be colored the way she does.

    3. Can you draw one of the knots she does, with snakes?

    4. Draw the borromean rings as snakes or ropes.

3/22/2021MLinks and Knots No new assignment to hand in.
3/25-3/26/2021RFExam 2Your exam will be taken via Lockdown Browser
3/29/2021M More links! More knots! For next time: read Knots: a handout for math circles.

This reading highlights two important topics: the Reidemeister moves, and tri-colorability.

In the meantime, practice your five knots, and four links. Make sure that you can draw them, and distinguish them.

4/1/2021RHoliday/Later Spring Break
4/5/2021MDistinguishing Knots Homework (due Monday, 4/12): Identify the knots (or links?) in this "story", which I call A Knotty Tale. You may need to apply the Reidemeister moves to convince yourself that a picture of a knot is really the unknot, say, but you don't need to tell me how you determined which knot or link each one is. Just put a name next to each one.

You must print off and put your answers on a copy of the knots (or else draw them meticulously by hand). Otherwise it's a zero. No exceptions.

4/8/2021RDistinguishing Knots (Part II) Homework (due Thursday, 4/15): Identify the two knots in this file. The third is the one that I did on the video.

You may use tricolorability as well as Reidemeister moves -- but you need to make it clear in each case how you're simplifying the knot until it's clear what the conclusion is. Redraw the knot each time you make a simplification.

4/12/2021MFractals (Part I) Homework (due 4/19):

Get started on these problems. We'll be talking more about these on Thursday, so don't panic!:)

4/15/2021RMore Fractals (Part II) Homework (due 4/22):

Visit each of these two sites, and create your own fractal images (have fun!). Then post them in our discussion on Canvas. You might watch that third video from this day's materials to get some tips on doing this.

  1. Fibonacci Spiral Fractal.
  2. Mirror fractals.

4/19/2021MFractals from Anything Can you make a personal fractal from something unusual? Maybe this could be part of your logo....
4/22/2021RThe Hilbert Hotel Please read The Hilbert Hotel in The Joy of X (p. 249).

  1. On page 253, do you see that each time you slide down to the end of a diagonal you will have added the next triangular number of people into the hotel? I.e., 1, 3, 6, 10, ....

  2. It would be nice to come up with a formula, so that we could shout out to all the buses exactly which room each person will be assigned, given their bus number and seat number. Can you find such a formula?

4/26/2021M A Little More Infinity

Please note: this is your final assignment, due this Thursday, 4/29. If you're late, you'll only get partial credit.

  1. Submit your logo and a one-page paper as an assignment in Canvas.

  2. Then put your logo and a description (you could just copy the text from your paper) onto a Canvas discussion board, so that everyone may enjoy them.

    It will be a digital poster session, essentially.