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But keep your eye out for math that resonates with you, and be thinking about what you might like to incorporate into your "family crest".
I hate to spoil the surprise by telling you exactly what it is -- many of you seem to have figured it out, and found the error in the chart.
Here are some key words and ideas, however:
Let's suppose it is. If we can figure out the number pattern, then we may be able to figure out how the "old Chinese symbols" work! We can use the mathematics to help us decipher a system of writing.
If you're an anthropology major, you may suddenly see the value in knowing a little mathematics...:)
If you know the mathematics, can you write the next row in the series, in both our numbers and in the writing of the Chinese scribe?
Many of you mentioned "sequence" -- it turns out that there are all kinds of numerical sequences represented in this table, and we'll study several of them. For example, I would wager that many of you noticed a sequence of repeating ones (along the two side diagonals).
Evan mentioned "a sequence found in nature" -- it turns out that one of nature's favorite sequences is concealed in this triangle. We will study it further on down the road.
But it's not a Chinese Christmas tree, Susan -- sorry to pass that sad news along to your third grader! Good idea to show things to kids, however: their brains are very flexible.
So: if it's not a Chinese Christmas tree, then what is it? Well, if you put it all together, you get a thing called "Pascal's triangle" -- let's take a look at that now.
Counting is a critical step in probability, and the Pascal in "Pascal's Triangle" is Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), who studied it to help him compute probabilities:
The triangle was known long before Pascal, however: for example, YangHui's triangle is the 13th century Chinese version of our triangle; but that's not the oldest known version (the Indians probably knew of triangle as early as several hundred years BC).
One thing that Pascal's triangle allows us to do: it allows us to understand how this Chinese culture of the 13th century wrote its numbers (Chinese Bamboo Counting Rods). How did these people write 15? 28? 30?
I asked you to do the reading "From Fish to Infinity" for today, in which we learn the answer to one of life's persistent questions:
We learn something of that, anyway -- at least about six fish. But
We learn that
Did you notice Humphrey using any other cues to help him keep track of the number of fish?
This leads us to your next reading: Rock Groups
fish fish fish fish fish fish
It turns out that the Great Fraudini can read anyone's mind -- so long as they're thinking of a number between 1 and 63, and they're willing to play a little card game with me. So let's see how this works....
So it turns out that the key can be found in Pascal's triangle! It seems that just about everything can be found there....
So in case you don't have a magic trick up your sleeve, I'm giving you one!
However I want you to think about it before I just give it away. Turn to your Fraudini discussion page on Canvas to make some conjectures, and guesses as to how I am (or rather how that Great Fraudini is) able to perform this magnificent trick!
(And try it out on some third graders, if you can! Let them figure it out....)
By the way, I always tell my students in MAT115 that gambling is foolish, unless you have inside information. So I'm all about giving you the inside information. But generally, and (in particular): "a lottery is a tax on people who are bad at math."
fish fish fish fish fish fish