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#people probability of having no common "birth day of the week" 1 1 2 0.857143 3 0.612245 4 0.349854 5 0.149938 6 0.042839 7 0.006120 8 0.000000
Remember: just do it! How can you attack this problem? Do something (and make sure you explain what you've done -- it's not enough to just write a number down...).
Can you eliminate any answers? For example 2 is too
few (don't bet with just two people on the elevator);
and 6 is more than you need (no one will bet you
at 6, because they'll know that they'll likely lose).
So we have some intuition, and you can report that.
But I'm seeing a lot of the most common problem: some folks forget the last "non-triangle" entry.
So the strings were
So the way that these readings will work is to fill in some details on what we discuss in class, and I'll expect you to have read them for additional information.
There will be some questions on the tests that refer to these readings. Feel free to bring up things that you have read during our class time.
"The Maya also made their own very accurate measurement of the solar year, putting it at 365.242 days. The latest computations give us the figure of 365.242198: so the Maya were actually far nearer the true figure than the current Western calendar of 365 days (which, with leap years, gives a true average of 365.2425)." From The Universal History of Numbers, by George Ifrah.
How can we make sense of the numbers that are appearing?