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No new material or homework will be assigned prior to the exam, so you want to go back over whatever you might have missed. It's a good time to ask questions in class, too.
You may have a one-page (front and back) sheet for formulas, etc. on Thursday (recall that we have a techno-free test on Thursday, and then Mathematica test on Friday). You may use copies of your labs for Friday.
Today we'll wrap up what we were doing last week (trigonometric stuff), and then Tuesday we'll review.
(which we did by substitution, after multiplying by a particularly unusual form of one!); and then using the fact that \[ \int \frac{1}{x} d x = \ln(|x|)+C \]
Noting the importance of the absolute value, since \(\frac{1}{x}\) is an odd function, and should have an even anti-derivative.
I thought that this is what we would see:
It's worse than I thought, however: using Mathematica's choice for the anti-derivative of the secant function, \(\coth ^{-1}(\sin (x))\), leads to this, for example:
\(\int_{-0.1}^{0.3} \sec(x) d x = 0.4047711 -3.141593 i = \) \(ArcCoth[Sin[0.3]]-ArcCoth[Sin[-0.1]]\)
This is why no graph appeared when I tried to graph it on Friday: the solution was complex. Ironically I use an older version of Mathematica at home, and it worked differently there -- wrong, but differently!:) Their new improved version of Mathematica has a different kind of bug.
It's a bug, but perhaps also a feature sometime (if you're doing complex analysis, say, which generalizes univariate calculus).
My point is made however: that being that one should take all technology with a grain of salt, and realize that your brain and mathematical reasoning is in important part of the equation!
And there are other familiar-looking identities (but with some slight changes in the symmetries, as you may have noticed above in the derivative for cosh):
\[ \begin{align} 1 &= \cosh^2(x)-\sinh^2(x) \\ \sinh(x + y) &= \sinh x \cosh y + \cosh x \sinh y \\ \cosh(x + y) &= \cosh x \cosh y + \sinh x \sinh y \\ \end{align} \]
Let's now do that second integral using a different substitution: \(x=\tan(\theta)\).
This will give us a chance to practice our trig substitution and integration by parts, as well!:)
In particular, we'll begin by examining how to handle the triangle in that example.