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No new material or homework will be assigned prior to the exam, so you want to go back over whatever you might have missed. It's a good time to ask questions in class, too.
You may have a one-page (front and back) sheet for formulas, etc. on Thursday (recall that we have a techno-free test on Thursday, and then Mathematica test on Friday). You may use copies of your labs for Friday.
Today we'll review.
We did an extended integration for \[ \int \sqrt{1+x^2} d x \]
via a trig substitution of \(x=\tan(\theta)\), leading to
\[ \int \sec(\theta)^3 d \theta \]
which we solved using integration by parts, some trig identities, and finally an appropriate right triangle to return the result to an antiderivative in terms of \(x\).
I suggested that you have a look at the problems in the handouts, to see if you want to look at any of them. What do you say?
My students would have also had a calculator in class -- you won't, since it's techno-free. So that would change how computationally intensive the problems are (I'll have to reduce computational complexity).