- Announcements:
- Our quiz today is over integration techniques (non-numerical!).
- Today we'll start to wrap up numerical integration. The lab
tomorrow will cover writing methods for doing these quickly and easily
in Mathematica.
- Last time:
- We discussed error bounds for three methods. The trapezoidal type
methods (trap and midpoint) require knowing how to bound the
second derivative; Simpson's requires bounding the fourth.
- Today:
- We'll continue exploring the error bounds.
- I'll have you repeat our work on a simple single panel, but with a different integral: let's approximate the integral
\int_0^1 x^3 d x
using a step-size of 1.
- Here are the "error bounds" for the top three methods,
showing that the errors of midpoint and trapezoidal
are related, and suggest how to combine them to create
a better method (Simpson's rule):
- To do, and questions:
- compare the results using our five methods
- How do we know which will be over-estimates and which
- compare the absolute errors in our five methods
- compare the error to our error bounds in our three top methods:
what are your k2 and k4, bounding derivatives?
- Are we surprised by anything?
- Now let's head back to our Numerical Integration handout to consider a few more issues there (Numerical Integration (nb)). In particular,
- let's look at the calculation of the number of subintervals to use to achieve a given error (top of page 4). What are the steps?
- The method is trapezoidal: what is its error formula?
- What derivative do we need to consider? Can you compute it? Can you bound it on the interval of interest?
- Solve for \(n\): make sure that you provide an integral value.
- Let's have a look.....
- Let's look at that last problem on page 5.
- Then we'll have a quiz!
- Links:
- Here's
a nice summary of the topic, focused on the use of Mathematica to
illustrate them. Interesting even if you don't use Mathematica.
- Numerical Integration on-line.
- Here is a hand out which emphasizes this message. Let's take a look at this:
- Mathematica code
- Check midpoint calculation
- Let's do the calculations by the formulas, for
- Check that we get the same things using the averages
- Calculate the true value of the integral, and compare to the
approximations. What's surprising?
Website maintained by Andy Long.
Comments appreciated.