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I also calculated your grade for the first exam:
If it helps it's 1/3 of the total exam grade; if it hurts, it's 1/10 of the grade.
Local because it's the tangent line function (i.e. linear), and represents the function very well at a point and in a (generally small) neighborhood around that point.
but as the image to the right (above) and the graphical insight below show, we can think of the Midpoint rule as being a "Tangent rule", another trapezoidal-type rule:
Midpoint Rule: \[ \int_a^b f(x) dx \approx M_n = \Delta x [f(\overline{x_1})+f(\overline{x_2})+\cdots+f(\overline{x_n})] \] where \[ \Delta x = \frac{b-a}{n} \] and $\overline{x_i}=\frac{1}{2}(x_{i-1}+x_i)=$ midpoint of $[x_{i-1},x_i]$.
This gives rise to an important observation, which I encourage you to remember:
(their arithmetic average, in this case). Notice that the two methods (LRR and RRR) make errors in the opposite sense in this case (and generally): one method tends to overestimate (the left, in this case), while the other tends to underestimate (RRR here); the average cancels their errors, to produce a more accurate estimate (in general).
Trapezoidal Rule: \[ \int_a^b f(x) dx \approx T_n = \frac{\Delta x}{2} [f(a)+2f(x_1)+2f(x_2)+\cdots+2f(x_{n-1})+f(b)] \] where \[ \Delta x = \frac{b-a}{n} \] and $x_i=a + i \Delta x$. This is just the average of the RRR and LRR: \[ LRR = \Delta x [f(a)+f(x_1)+f(x_2)+\cdots+f(x_{n-1})] \] \[ RRR = \Delta x [f(x_1)+f(x_2)+\cdots+f(x_{n-1})+f(b)] \] (and note that each of those methods ignores one endpoint).
Be careful however not to confuse the midpoint and trapezoidal rule. Each is effectively a trapezoid method, but the midpoint method uses "tangent trapezoids", while the trapezoid method uses "endpoint trapezoids" (and it turns out that the tangent trapezoids give better results, generally).
Notice that the number of subintervals in Simpson's rule must be even.
Now we can go further (with Long's rule!:):
(their weighted arithmetic averages).
It turns out that the midpoint method is twice as good as the trapezoidal method, and the errors tend to be of opposite sign. This analysis is based off of an approximating parabola:
Notice that we're adding two copies of the Midpoint rule to one copy of the Trapezoidal rule -- so Simpson's rule has three estimates of the integral in the numerator (so we must divide that by 3 to produce a single estimate, Simpson's rule). Because the error of the Trapezoidal rule tends to be about twice the error of the Midpoint rule, and of opposite sign, the errors cancel in a beautiful way to create a cool new rule!