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The proof of this is actually easy to follow, and illustrates the use of the definition of differentiability. Let's take a look at it (p. 948).
Here's a start on a visualization of the situation.... (I just started butchering my slice program -- sorry I've not finished it yet.)
For those of you in discrete math, why might we prefer a graph to a tree (e.g.
\[ \frac{\partial z}{\partial t}=\frac{\partial z}{\partial x}\frac{\partial x}{\partial t}+\frac{\partial z}{\partial y}\frac{\partial y}{\partial t} \]
and symmetrically for $\frac{\partial z}{\partial s}$.
And of course we can do this for functions of any number of independent variables (the "General version", p. 951).
Applying the chain rule, we get \[ \frac{dy}{dx}=-\frac{F_x}{F_y} \]
Let's have a look at page 953, and think about the conditions under which we can do this (the Implicit Function Theorem). Why do they make sense, given our discussion of differentiability from last time?
Think about the linearization....
We shouldn't be a stick in the mud about the orientation of our axes: why $x$ and $y$, and not some other pair of directions which are mutually perpendicular? Perhaps we are interested in the slope of the surface along some direction other than $x$ or $y$: hence the idea behind directional derivatives. At a given point at which a function is differentiable, one natural choice for two directions might be the direction in which the function is increasing fastest, and the direction perpendicular to this.
But any direction will do -- take a look at p. 957, Figure 3.
Our author's pretty good TEC animation of that figure.
This figure is partially what motivated me to create that "slicing" demo in Mathematica.
One of the biggest pieces of news is that we're going to be working with vectors -- e.g. $u$ -- and with vector-valued functions; and that will place another demand upon your visualization skills.
But gradients are just another kind of multivariate function: one where the domain is points in the plane, like many of our other functions, but the range is the set of vectors.
At each point in the plane there is a gradient vector pointing -- indicating what?
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