Homework due (if you've not turned in 14.5 already).
We have a test next week, Thursday. We'll have a half-hour review on Monday.
We will have a quiz at the end of the hour.
Today we want to think about section 14.6: the
directional derivative and the gradient, then move on to maxes and mins.
I'd like you to push along into 14.7, starting from the Mathematica file I showed yesterday. So grab this Mathematica file, and then
See how it works for #7, p. 967, which we didn't look at
yesterday. Use the scale slider to zoom in: you can see how the choice
of direction u (that is, the choice of angle) impacts the
magnitude (and sign) of the directional derivative.
Adapt the code to carry out #22. Check your analytic work (by hand) with Mathematica.
Then see if you can adapt the code to do any of these max/min problems:
#3, p. 977
#14, p. 978
#50, p. 979
Website maintained by Andy Long.
Comments appreciated.