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We now consider vector-valued functions in multivariate space. We've seen these before, however: if we have a multivariate function $f$ which is differentiable, then it has a gradient at every point, pointing to higher values of $f$.
This is an important example: a gradient field.
Q: Is the vector field of Example 1 a gradient field?
If F is a gradient field, then it is called a conservative vector field (and $f$ its potential function).
This code plots the functions, with maxes and mins, but adds in the contour lines, and also the gradient lines.
Let's use this to take a look at Example 6, p. 1084.
For the next two problems, we're talking about velocity fields:
StreamPlot[{x y - 2, y^2 - 10}, {x, 0, 4}, {y, 0, 4}, StreamStyle -> ColorData[1][3]]
StreamPlot[{x , -y}, {x, -4, 4}, {y, -4, 4}, StreamStyle -> ColorData[1][3]]
We can think of this as an area, per Figure 2 (if $f$ is positive):
Although with $f(x,y)=1$ we can also think of this as the length of the curve. Note: we think of $dt$ as positive (and it is, because we've specified the orientation). But if we reverse the orientation, we'd need to "reverse $dt$" as well.
Let ${\bf{F}}$ be a continuous vector field defined on a smooth curve $C$ traced out by the vector function ${\bf{r}}(t)$, $a \le t \le b$. Then the line integral of ${\bf{F}}$ along $C$ is \[ \int_{C} {\bf{F}}({\bf{r}}(t)) \cdot d{\bf{r}} = \int_{C} {\bf{F}}({\bf{r}}(t)) \cdot {\bf{r}}^{'}(t) dt = \int_{C} {\bf{F}} \cdot {\bf{T}} ds \] where ${\bf{T}}$ is the tangent vector (the component of velocity in the direction tangential to the motion).
If vector field ${\bf{F}}=P\hat{i}+Q\hat{j}+R\hat{k}$=$\langle P,Q,R \rangle$, then we can break the integral into three: \[ \int_{C} {\bf{F}} \cdot d{\bf{r}} = \int_{C} Pdx + Qdy + Rdz \] With my parentheses fascination, you can be sure that I'd like to put parentheses around that last integrand: $\int_{C} (Pdx + Qdy + Rdz)$ -- just to emphasize that the integration is over all....