Besag & Newell's Test

  • spatial
  • local
  • region-based
  • Indications/Recommendations for use: Scan for clusters of minimum size (k). This test is designed for data aggregated into regions with small population sizes.
    Description: The population size containing the closest k cases surrounding each region is compared to that expected under a common disease frequency.
    Test statistic: The number of regions (L) needed to include the nearest k cases surrounding each region. Significance is evaluated with a poisson distribution for each potential cluster. Stat:
    Null Hypothesis: The number of cases in a region follows a Poisson distribution with a common rate. Ho:
    Alternative Hypothesis: Not the Null Hypothesis. Ha:
    GeoMed Inputs: Region-level data with a centroid coordinate, case counts, and population at risk per region; cluster size k to detect.
    GeoMed Outputs: Tabled information includes test statistic and p-value for each significant cluster; mapped information provides cluster locations.
    Example Analysis Reference: Besag, J. and Newell, J. 1991. The detection of clusters in rare diseases, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A, 154:143-155.

    Website maintained by Andy Long. Comments appreciated.