Group-level study data
The unit of observation or analysis is a group of study subjects aggregated over sub-regions and/or temporal intervals
The data often consists of disease frequency estimates or case/population-at-risk counts for each group
- The sub-regions can be identified with boundary data or x-y centroid coordinates
Appropriate Spatial Tests
General tests:
Besag and Newell's Method
Local tests:
Besag and Newell's Method
Turnbull's Method
Focused tests:
Lawson and Waller's Score Test
Bithell's Test
- The temporal intervals can be identified with start and end dates or a start date and an interval span
Appropriate Spatio-temporal Tests
Kulldorff's Spatial Scan Statistic
Appropriate Spatial Surveillance Tests
- Rogerson's technique
Website maintained by Andy Long.
Comments appreciated.